Category: Trainee News

Trainee News

The Training and Capacity Building Program would like to welcome Charlene Chu to the CCNA. Charlene was awarded a Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF) student award to support work she will be doing in the CCNA. Charlene received her PhD from the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of N...

Mitacs Step Program

High Quality Professional Skills Training Program   Mitacs is a national, not-for-profit organization that has designed and delivered research and training programs in Canada for 15 years. It was founded in 1999 as a Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence, dedicated to...

The CCNA Trainee Digest – November 8, 2016

THE CCNA TRAINEE DIGEST *A rundown of CCNA trainee news, events, activities, and accomplishments CCNA Science Day and Partners Forum, Vancouver, BC October 6-7, 2016   The Training and Capacity Building Program would like to thank the 20 trainees who participated in the a...

Le Bulletin des stagiaires du CCNV – 22 septembre 2016

Le Bulletin des stagiaires du CCNV *Un récapitulatif des nouvelles, événements, activités et réalisations à l’intention des stagiaires du CCNV Félicitations aux stagiaires du CCNV qui ont remporté une bourse de voyage IRSC-CCNV pour assister à la Journée scientifique et au For...

The CCNA Trainee Digest – September 22, 2016

THE CCNA TRAINEE DIGEST *A rundown of CCNA trainee news, events, activities, and accomplishments Congratulations to CCNA trainees awarded a CIHR-CCNA Travel Award to attend the CCNA Science Day and Partners Forum in Vancouver, October 5-7, 2016. Leslie Malloy-Weir – Team...

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