The CCNA Trainee Society – New Executive

The Training and Capacity Building Program is pleased to announce the launch of the CCNA Trainee Society. We see the Trainee Society as the organized voice for trainees within the Training and Capacity Building Program that will help us better meet trainee needs. The Trainee Society will be selecting the trainee representative (and alternate) who will be on the Conference Program Planning Committee (CPPC) for CCNA’s Partners Forum and Science Day, as well as providing input to us on the creation of additional educational and networking opportunities for trainees. We believe further functions for the society will arise over time but exactly which ones will depend on the deliberations of the founding society Executive and discussions with CCNA.

Follow the T&CB Program on Twitter @CCNA_Trainees and on the CCNA website for updates on the CCNA Trainee Society.

We would like thank Lindsay Wallace and Claire Godard-Sebillotte for their contributions to the formation of the Trainee Society. Lindsay will continue to support the society as a past representative on the CCNA CPPC.

Please join us in welcoming the founding CCNA Trainee Society Executive:


President: Amanpreet Badhwar

Postdoctoral Fellow, Université de Montréal, Team 9: Developing New Biomarkers

Secretary-Treasurer: Allen McLean

Doctoral Student, University of Saskatchewan, Team 20: Issues in Dementia Care for Rural and Indigenous Populations

Communications Coordinator: Bruna Seixas Lima

Doctoral Candidate, University of Toronto, Team 10: Cognitive Intervention and Brain Plasticity

Academic Coordinator: Lauren Bechard

Doctoral Student, University of Waterloo, Team 12: Mobility, Exercise and Cognition

  • Academic Committee Member: Charlene Chu

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto, Team 15, Gerontechnology and Dementia

Social Coordinator: Saira Mirza

Postdoctoral Fellow, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Team 7: Vascular Illness and its Impact on Neurodegenerative Diseases

Past T&CB Liaison and CPPC Representative: Lindsay Wallace

Doctoral Student, Dalhousie University, Team 14: How Multi-Morbidity Modifies the Risk of Dementia and the Patterns of Disease Expression


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