Using co-creation focus groups to customise a remote multidomain programme designed to increase dementia literacy


Objectives: To adapt the content and functionalities of Brain Health PRO, a web-based multidomain program designed to increase dementia literacy, to the context and needs of users, providers and community organisations across Québec, Canada.

Design: Five consecutive qualitative co-creation focus group sessions 30-90 min in duration each, exploring potential barriers and facilitators to usability, accessibility, comprehensibility, participant recruitment and retention.

Setting: Virtual meetings.

Participants: A 15-member team based in Québec and Ontario, Canada, consisting of 9 researchers (including a graduate student and the project coordinator), representing occupational therapy, sensory rehabilitation, neuropsychology, psychology, health science and research methods, 3 informal caregivers of older adults living with cognitive decline and 3 members of the Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies.

Data analysis: Session recordings were summarised through both qualitative description and thematic analysis.

Results: The synthesised recommendations included adjustments around diversity, the complexity and presentation styles of the materials, suggestions on refining the web interface and the measurement approaches; it influenced aspects of participant recruitment, retention efforts and engagement with the content of Brain Health PRO.

Conclusions: Co-creation in dementia prevention research is important because it involves collaboration between researchers, community support and service providers, and persons with lived experience as care providers, in the design and implementation of clinical studies. This approach helps to ensure that the content and presentation of educational material is relevant and meaningful to the target population and those involved in its delivery, and it leads to a greater understanding of their needs and perspectives.

Keywords: aging; dementia; health education; patient participation; primary prevention; qualitative research.

Plain language summary

Brain Health PRO is an online program designed to help people learn about dementia. The goal of this study was to adapt this program to the context and needs of users and community organizations across Québec, Canada. To do that, we held five focus group meetings, 30-90 min in duration each with a team of 15 people including researchers, care partners of people living with cognitive problems, and members of the Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies.

In these meetings, the group considered the ease of use, accessibility, and clarity of the program. They also discussed potential challenges related to recruiting participants and keeping them engaged. The meetings were recorded, summarized, and analysed. The recommendations included suggestions for changes related to diversity, the complexity and presentation styles of the materials. Some of the suggestions focused on improvements to the website itself. Additional suggestions addressed issues of participant recruitment and engagement with the content of the program. Co-creation in dementia prevention research is important because it involves collaboration between researchers, community support and service providers, and persons with lived experience in the studies. This approach helps to ensure that the study is relevant and meaningful to the target audience and those involved in its delivery and that it leads to a greater understanding of their needs and perspectives.

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