Training and Capacity Building

Lead: Manuel Montero-Odasso

Developing the next generation of highly skilled scientists and professionals in brain health and cognitive impairment has always been a priority for CCNA and we will build on this momentum with the Phase III (2024-2029) Training and Capacity Building (TCB) Program.

Through its national network of members, CCNA provides a rich ecosystem for training and mentorship. We will continue to develop high quality, collaborative, and transformative training and capacity building opportunities via online, accessible resources with updated content for career development and core training modules on building a research team, grant writing, etc.

Opportunities will leverage the expertise from COMPASS-ND, Brain Heath Pro, and the Support Hub programs. We will develop training modules focused on brain health, risk reduction, and cognitive resilience in collaboration with CCNA members. Trainees will have access to resources on cross-cutting topics including knowledge mobilization, engagement of people with lived experience, Indigenous dementia research, and sex and gender considerations in dementia research. We will build on the past success of our “Mining COMPASS-ND Gold” workshops to access and analyse COMPASS-ND data to provide training opportunities and accelerate research. Mentorship and networking with top Canadian scientists in neurodegenerative disease research will be offered via CCNA’s annual scientific meeting. Our focus in Phase III will be on increasing equitable access to training for Indigenous, racialized, and gender groups that have been historically underrepresented.

We were successful in obtaining CIHR’S Health Research Training Platform (HRTP) in Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment in Aging to leverage these activities. This will allow usto develop additional training opportunities, including a mentorship program where trainees are matched with mentors nation-wide from different disciplines to promote interdisciplinary research projects and to continue the work of the CCNA Trainee Society. We will leverage the HRTP grant and work synergistically with the TCB program to create a national training hub.

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