

CCNA’s Knowledge Translation and Exchange program offers two series of webinars.


Webinar Series 1: CCNA’s Talking Brains

CCNA’s Talking Brains are webinars showing different aspects of the work and research done by our members. The Talking Brains webinars are generally aimed to connect members and trainees together to see some of the work undertaken in Phase ll. Different formats of presentations are included in this series such as research talks, panels and improbable encounters, a discussion we would never have thought would be possible.

Click here for all details on CCNA’s Talking Brains webinars


Webinar Series 2: ASC/brainXchange

In partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Canada and hosted by the brainXchange, this series translates existing and new knowledge from the CCNA into improved care policies, practices, procedures, products, and services by meeting the specific needs of individuals with neurodegenerative diseases and their care partners.

Click here for all details on the ASC/brainXchange webinars



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