
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 558 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
World‐Wide FINGERS Network: A global approach to risk reduction and prevention of dementia
Kivipelto, M, Mangialasche, F, Snyder, HM, Allegri R, Andrieu S, Arai H, Baker L, Belleville S*, Brodaty H, Brucki SM, Calandri I, Caramelli P, Chen C, Chertkow H*, Chew E, Choi SH, Chowdhary N, Crivelli L, De La Torre R, Du Y, Dua T, Espeland M, Feldman HH*, Hartmanis M, Hartmann T, Hefferman M, Henry CJ, Hong CH, Hâkansson K, Iwatsubo T, Jeong JH, Jimenez-Maggiora G, Koo EH, Launer LJ, Lehtisale J, Lopera F, Martinez-Lage P, Martins R, Middleton L, Molinuevo JL, Montero-Odasso M*, Moon SY, Morales-Perez K, Nitrine R, Nygaard HB*, Park YK, Peltonen M, Qiu C, Quiroz YT, Raman R, Rao N, Ravindranath V, Rosenberg A, Sakurai T, Salinas RM, Scheltens P, Sevlever G, Soininen H, Sosa AL, Suemoto CK, Tainta-Cuezva M, Velilla L, Wang Y, Whitmer R, Xu X, Bain LJ, Solomon A, Ngandu T, Carrillo M. 2020 Alzheimer's & Dementia
White matter integrity is associated with gait impairment and falls in mild cognitive impairment. Results from the Gait and Brain Study
Snir J, Bartha R, Montero-Odasso M 2019 Neuroimage Clinical
White matter inflammation and cognitive function in a co-morbid metabolic syndrome and prodromal
N. Ivanova, Q. Liu, C. Agca, Y. Agca, E.G. Noble, S.N. Whitehead and D.F. Cechetto 2020 Journal of Neuroinflammation
White matter hyperintensity distribution differences in aging and neurodegenerative disease cohorts
Dadar, M.*, Mahmoud, S., Zhernovaia, M., Camicioli, R.*, Maranzano, J.*, Duchesne, S.*, & CCNA Group* 2022 NeuroImage: Clinical
White matter hyperintensities mediate the impact of amyloid ß on future freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease
Dadar M, Miyasaki J*, Duchesne S*, Camicioli R* 2021 Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
White Matter Hyperintensities Are Associated with Grey Matter Atrophy and Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease and
Dadar, M.**, Manera, A. L.**, Ducharme, S.*, & Collins, D. L.* 2021 Neurobiology of Aging
White matter hyperintensities and longitudinal cognitive decline in cognitively normal populations and across diagnostic categories: A meta-analysis, systematic review, and recommendations for future study harmonization
Roseborough, A. D.**, Saad, L., Goodman, M., Cipriano, L. E., Hachinski, V. C.*, & Whitehead, S. N.* 2022 Alzheimer's & Dementia
White matter degeneration – a treatable target?
Roseborough A**, Hachinski V*, Whitehead S* 2020 JAMA Neurology
Web-based cognitive assessment in older adults: Where do we stand?
Belleville, S.*, LaPlume, A. A.*, & Purkart, R 2023 Current opinion in neurology
VoxelStats: A MATLAB Package for Multi-Modal Voxel-Wise Brain Image Analysis.
Mathotaarachchi S, Wang S, Shin M, Pascoal TA, Benedet AL, Kang MS, Beaudry T, Fonov VS, Gauthier S, Labbe A, Rosa-Neto P Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 558 Publications
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