
Résultats 111 à 120 sur 555 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Statistical power and prediction accuracy in multisite resting-state fMRI connectivity
Dansereau, C., Benhajali, Y., Risterucci, C., Pich, E. M., Orban, P., Arnold, D., & Bellec, P. 2017 Neuroimage
PET imaging of freely moving interacting rats
Miranda A, Kang MS, Blinder S, Bouhachi R, Soucy JP, Aliaga-Aliaga A, Massarweh G, Stroobants S, Staelens S, Rosa-Neto P*, Verhaeghe J 2019 NeuroImage
A dataset of long-term consistency values of resting-state fMRI connectivity maps in a single individual derived at multiple sites and vendors using the Canadian Dementia Imaging Protocol
Badhwar AP*, Collin-Verreault Y, Orban P, Urchs S, Chouinard I, Vogel J, Potvin O, Duchesne S*, Bellec P* 2020 NeuroImage
Multivariate consistency of resting-state fMRI connectivity maps acquired on a single individual over 2.5 years, 13 sites and 3 vendors Badhwar A*, Collin-Verreault Y*, Orban P**, Urchs S*, Chouinard I*, Vogel J*, Potvin O*, Duchesne S**, Bellec P** 2020 Neuroimage
Statistical power and prediction accuracy in multisite resting-state fMRI connectivity.
Dansereau C, Benhajali Y, Risterucci C, Pich EM, Orban P, Arnold D, Bellec P NeuroImage
Reliability assessment of tissue classification algorithms for multi-center and multi-scanner data
Dadar M, Duchesne S*, for the CCNA Group and the CIMA-Q Group 2020 NeuroImage
Blood-based biomarkers of agitation in Alzheimer’s disease: Advances and future prospects
Tumati, S.**, Herrmann, N.*, Marotta, G.*, Li, A., & Lanctôt, K. L.* 2021 Neurochemistry international
Neuropathological changes and cognitive deficits in rats transgenic for human mutant tau recapitulate human tauopathy
Malcolm JC, Breuillaud L, Do Carmo S, Hall H, Welikovitch LA, Macdonald JA, Goedert M, Cuello AC* 2019 Neurobiology of Disease
A new role for matrix metalloproteinase-3 in the NGF metabolic pathway: Proteolysis of mature NGF and sex-specific differences in the continuum of Alzheimer’s pathology
Pentz R, Iulita MF, Mikutra-Cencora M, Ducatenzeiler A, Benett DA, Cuello AC* 2020 Neurobiology of Disease
Differential deregulation of NGF and BDNF neurotrophins in a transgenic rat model of Alzheimer’s disease Iulita, M. F., Bistue Millon, M. B., Pentz, R., Aguilar, L. F., Do Carmo, S., Allard, S., Michalski, B., Wilson, E. N., Ducatenzeiler, A., Bruno, M. A., Fahnestock, M., & Cuello, A. C. 2017 Neurobiology of Disease
Résultats 111 à 120 sur 555 Publications
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