
Résultats 301 à 310 sur 555 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Executive dysfunction, white matter pathology, and neurovascular unit dysregulation: the shared triad of vascular
A. Levit, V. Hachinski and S.N. Whitehead 2020 Geroscience
A structured teleconsultation and coaching project to improve care for Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in Quebec
Bruneau M-A*, Bourbonnais A*, Daneau S, Bier N*, Dube C, Menard C 2020 Gerontotechnology
Physical Activity and Mobility Differentially Predict Nondemented Executive Function Trajectories: Do Sex and APOE Moderate These Associations? "Thibeau, S.*, McFall, GP.**, Camicioli, R.**, Dixon, RA**. " 2019 Gerontology
International Practice Recommendations for the Recognition and Management of Hearing and Vision Impairment in People with Dementia
Littlejohn J, Bowen M, Constantinidou F, Dawes P, Dickinson C, Heyn P, Hooper E, Hopper T, Hubbard I, Langenbahn D, Nieman CL, Rajagopal M, Thodi C, Weinstein B, Wittich W*, Leroi I 2021 Gerontology
Examining a healthy lifestyle as a moderator of the relationship between psychological distress and cognitive decline among older adults in the NuAge study
D'Amico, D.**, Alter, U., Laurin, D.*, Ferland, G.*, & Fiocco, A.J.* 2024 Gerontology
A GPS-based Framework for Understanding Outdoor Mobility Patterns of Older Adults with Dementia: An Exploratory Study
Bayat S, Naglie G*, Rapoport MJ*, Stasiulis E, Widener MJ, Mihailidis A* 2021 Gerontology
Static versus interactive online resources about dementia: A comparison of readability scores Robillard, J.M. & Sporn, A.B. 2018 Gerontechonology
Agitation, Oxidative Stress, and Cytokines in Alzheimer Disease: Biomarker Analyses From a Clinical Trial With Nabilone for Agitation
Ruthirakuhan M, Herrmann N*, Andreazza AC, Verhoeff NPLG, Gallagher D, Black SE*, Kiss A, Lanctôt KL* 2019 Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol
Software architectures to integrate workflow engines in science gateways Glatard, T., Rousseau, M.-É., Camarasu-Pop, S., Adalat, R., Beck, N., Das, S., da Silva, R. F., Khalili-Mahani, N., Korkhov, V., Quirion, P.-O., Rioux, P., Olabarriaga, S. D., Bellec, P., & Evans, A. C. 2017 Future Generation Computer Systems
Optimizing Evaluation of Older Adults With Vision and/or Hearing Loss Using the interRAI Community Health Assessment and Deafblind Supplement
Alfaro, A. U.**, McGraw, C., Guthrie, D. M.*, Wittich, W.* 2021 Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences
Résultats 301 à 310 sur 555 Publications
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