
Résultats 381 à 390 sur 558 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Nuances in Alzheimer’s Genetic Risk Reveal Differential Predictions of Non-demented Memory Aging Trajectories: Selective Patterns by APOE Genotype and Sex. "McFall, GP.**, Backman, L., Dixon, RA**. " 2019 Curr Alzheimer Res
Association of Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic Risk Loci with Cognitive Performance and Decline: A Systematic Review. "Andrews, SJ.*, McFall, GP.**, Booth, A., Dixon, RA.**, Anstey, KJ. " 2019 J Alzheimers Dis
Physical Activity and Mobility Differentially Predict Nondemented Executive Function Trajectories: Do Sex and APOE Moderate These Associations? "Thibeau, S.*, McFall, GP.**, Camicioli, R.**, Dixon, RA**. " 2019 Gerontology
HDL from an Alzheimer’s disease perspective. Current opinion in lipidology. "Button, EB., Robert, J*., Caffrey, TM., Fan, J., Zhao, W., Wellington, CL**. " 2019 J Alzheimers Dis
Vasoprotective Functions of High-Density Lipoproteins Relevant to Alzheimer’s Disease Are Partially Conserved in Apolipoprotein B-Depleted Plasma. "Button, EB.*, Gilmour, M., Cheema, HK., Martin, EM., Agbay, A., Robert, J.*, Wellington, CL**. " 2019 Int J Mol Sci.
A Rationally Designed Humanized Antibody Selective for Amyloid Beta Oligomers in Alzheimer’s Disease. Gibbs, E., Silverman, JM.**, Zhao, B., Peng, X., Wang, J., Wellington, CL.**, Mackenzie, IR.**, Plotkin, SS.**, Kaplan, JM., Cashman, NR**. 2019 Scientific reports.
International Parkinson’s Disease Genomics C. Parkinson’s disease age at onset genome-wide association study: Defining heritability, genetic loci, and alpha-synuclein mechanisms. "Blauwendraat, C., Heilbron, K., Vallerga, CL., Bandres-Ciga, S., von Coelln, R., Pihlstrom, L., Simon-Sanchez, J., Schulte, C., Sharma, M., Krohn, L.*, Siitonen, A., Iwaki, H., Leonard, H., Noyce, AJ., Tan, M., Gibbs, JR., Hernandez, DG., Scholz, SW., Jankovic, J., Shulman, LM., Lesage, S., Corvol, JC., Brice, A., van Hilten, JJ., Marinus, J., Eerola-Rautio J., Tienari P., Majamaa K., Toft M., Grosset DG., Gasser, T., Heutink, P., Shulman, JM., Wood, N., Hardy, J., Morris, HR., Hinds, DA., Gratten, J., Visscher, PM., Gan-Or, Z.**, Nalls, MA., Singleton, AB. " 2019 Mov Disord
Detection of Active Caspase-3 in Mouse Models of Stroke and Alzheimer’s Disease with a Novel Dual Positron Emission Tomography/Fluorescent Tracer Ostapchenko, VG., Snir, J., Suchy, M., Fan, J., Cobb, MR., Chronik, BA., Kovacs, M., Prado, VF.**, Hudson, RHE., Pasternak, SH.**, Prado, MAM.**, Bartha, R.** 2019 Contrast Media Mol Imaging.
Impact of the Quebec Alzheimer Plan on the detection and management of Alzheimer disease and other neurocognitive disorders in primary health care: a retrospective study. Vedel, I.**, Sourial, N.*, Arsenault-Lapierre, G.*, Godard-Sebillotte, C.*, Bergman, H.** 2019 CMAJ Open
Impact of health service interventions on acute hospital use in community-dwelling persons with dementia: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Godard-Sebillotte, C.*, Le Berre, M.*, Schuster, T., Trottier, M., Vedel, I**. 2019 PLoS One.
Résultats 381 à 390 sur 558 Publications
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