
Résultats 461 à 470 sur 558 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Static versus interactive online resources about dementia: A comparison of readability scores Robillard, J.M. & Sporn, A.B. 2018 Gerontechonology
Handling missing Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) values: Results from a cross-sectional long-term-care study Godin, J., Keefe, J., & Andrew, M. K. 2017 Journal of Epidemiology 
Association of dual-task gait with incident dementia in mild cognitive impairment: Results from the Gait and Brain Study Montero-Odasso, M. M., Sarquis-Adamson, Y., Speechley, M., Borrie, M. J., Hachinski, V. C., Wells, J., Riccio, P. M., Schapira, M., Sejdic, E., Camicioli, R., Bartha, R., McIlroy, W. E., & Muir-Hunter, S. 2017 JAMA Neurology
Social inappropriateness in neurodegenerative disorders Desmarais, O., Lanktot, K.L., Masellis, M., Black, S.E., & Herrmann, N. 2017 International Psychogeriatics
Behavioural and neuroimaging changes after naming therapy for semantic variant primary progressive aphasia Jokel, R., Kielar, A., Anderson, N. D., Black, S. E., Rochon, E., Graham, S., Freedman, M., & Tang-Wai, D. F. 216 Neuropsychologia
Specific transfer effects following variable priority dual-task training in older adults Lussier, M., Bugaiska, A., & Bherer, L. 2017 Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
Clinical and neuropathological features of ALS/FTD with TIA1 mutations Hirsch-Reinshagen, V., Pottier, C., Nicholson, A. M., Baker, M., Hsiung, G.-Y. R., Krieger, C., Sengdy, P., Boylan, K. B., Dickson, D. W., Mesulam, M., Weintraub, S., Bigio, E., Zinman, L., Keith, J., Rogaeva, E., Zivkovic, S. A., Lacomis, D., Taylor, J. P., Rademakers, R., & Mackenzie, I. R. A. 2017 Acta Neuropathologica Communications
Mutations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia promote phase separation and alter stress granule dynamics Mackenzie, I. R.**, Nicholson, A. M., Sarkar, M., Messing, J., Purice, M. D., Pottier, C., Annu, K., Baker, M., Perkerson, R. B., Kurti, A., Matchett, B. J., Mittag, T., Temirov, J., Hsiung, G. Y. R.**, Krieger, C., Murray, M. E., Kato, M., Fryer, J. D., Petrucelli, L., Zinman, L.**, Weintraub, S., Mesulam, M., Keith, J.**, Zivkovic, S. A., Hirsch-Reinshagen, V., Roos, R. P., Zuchner, S., Graff-Radford, N., Petersen, R. C., Caselli, R. J., Wszolek, Z. K., Finger, E., Lippa, C., Lacomis, D., Stewart, H., Dickson, D. W., Kim, H. J., Rogaeva, E.**, Bigio, E., Boylan, K. B., & Taylor, J. P. 2017 Neuron
Older adults with a combination of vision and hearing impairment experience higher rates of cognitive impairment, functional dependence, and worse outcomes across a set of quality indicators Davidson, J. G. S., & Guthrie, D. M. 2017 Journal of Aging and Health
Associations between sensory loss and social networks, participation, support, and loneliness. Analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Mick, P., Parfyonov, M., Wittich, W., Phillips, N., & Kathleen Pichora-Fuller, M. 2018 Canadian Family Physician
Résultats 461 à 470 sur 558 Publications
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