
Résultats 471 à 480 sur 558 Publications
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Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Combined impairments in vision, hearing and cognition are associated with greater levels of functional and communication difficulties than cognitive impairment alone: Analysis of interRAI data for home care and long-term care recipients in Ontario Guthrie, D.M., Davidson, J.G.S., Williams, N., Campos, J., Hunter, K., Mick, P., Orange, J.B., Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Savundranayagam, M.Y., & Wittich W. 2018 PLoS One
Independence, loss, and social identity: Perspectives on driving cessation and dementia Sanford S**, Rapoport MJ**, Tuokko H**, Crizzle A**, Hatzifilalithis S, Laberge S, Naglie G**. 2019 Dementia
Detecting unseen falls from wearable devices using channel-wise ensemble of autoencoders Khan, S. S., & Taati, B. 2017 Expert Systems with Applications
The Canadian Gait and Cognition Network. Guidelines for gait assessments in the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) Cullen, S., Montero-Odasso, M., Bherer, L., Almeida, Q., Fraser, S., Muir-Hunter, S.W., Li, K., Liu-Ambrose, T., McGibbon, C., McIlroy, W., Middleton, L., Sarquis-Adamson, Y., Morais, J.A., Beauchet, O., McFadyen, B.J., & Camicioli, R. 2018 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Dual-task gait and incident dementia-A step forward, but not there yet-reply Montero-Odasso, M., Camicioli, R., & Muir-Hunter, S.W. 2017 JAMA Neurology
The Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale – Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-Cog): Modifications and responsiveness in pre-dementia populations Kueper J.K., Speechley M., & Montero-Odasso M. 2018 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Dynamics of frailty and cognition after age 50: Why it matters that cognitive decline is mostly seen in old age Godin, J., Armstrong, J. J., Rockwood, K., & Andrew, M. K. 2017 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
A call for comparative effectiveness research to learn whether routine clinical care decisions can protect from dementia and cognitive decline Dacks, P. A., Armstrong, J. J., Brannan, S. K., Carman, A. J., Green, A. M., Kirkman, M. S., Krakoff, L. R., Kuller, L. H., Launer, L. J., Lovestone, S., Merikle, E., Neumann, P. J., Rockwood, K., Shineman, D. W., Stefanacci, R. G., Velentgas, P., Viswanathan, A., Whitmer, R. A., Williamson, J. D., & Fillit, H. M. 2016 Alzheimer's Research and Therapy
The Kinect project: group motion-based gaming for people living with dementia Dove, E., & Astell, A. J. 2017 Dementia
The use of motion-based technology for people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment: A literature review Dove, E., & Astell, A. J. 2017 Journal of Medical Internet Research
Résultats 471 à 480 sur 558 Publications
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