
Résultats 491 à 500 sur 558 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Behavioural inflexibility in a comorbid rat model of striatal ischemic injury and mutant hAPP overexpression Levit, A., Regis, A. M., Garabon, J. R., Oh, S. H., Desai, S. J., Rajakumar, N., Hachinski, V., Agca, Y., Agca, C., Whitehead, S. N., & Allman, B. L. 2017 Behavioural Brain Research
Rho-associated protein kinases as therapeutic targets for both vascular and parenchymal pathologies in Alzheimer’s disease Lai, A. Y., & McLaurin, J. 2017 Journal of Neurochemistry
Early neurovascular dysfunction in a transgenic rat model of Alzheimer’s disease Joo, I. L., Lai, A. Y., Bazzigaluppi, P., Koletar, M. M., Dorr, A., Brown, M. E., Thomason, L. A., Sled, J. G., McLaurin, J., & Stefanovic, B. 2017 Scientific Reports
Arterial stiffness, cognitive impairment and dementia: confounding factor or real risk? Iulita, M. F., Noriega de la Colina, A., & Girouard, H. 2017 Journal of Neurochemistry
Early-stage attenuation of phase-amplitude coupling in the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex in a transgenic rat model of Alzheimer’s disease Bazzigaluppi, P., Beckett, T. L., Koletar, M. M., Lai, A. Y., Joo, I. L., Brown, M. E., Carlen, P. L., McLaurin, J., & Stefanovic, B. 2017 Journal of Neurochemistry
Nutrition as a component of dementia risk reduction strategies Greenwood, C. E., & Parrott, M. D. 2017 Healthcare Management Forum
Clearance of beta-amyloid is facilitated by apolipoprotein E and circulating high-density lipoproteins in bioengineered human vessels Robert, J., Button, E. B., Yuen, B., Gilmour, M., Kang, K., Bahrabadi, A., Stukas, S., Zhao, W., Kulic, I., & Wellington, C. L. 2017 E-Life
SR-BI mediated transcytosis of HDL in brain microvascular endothelial cells is independent of caveolin, clathrin, and PDZK1 Fung, K. Y., Wang, C., Nyegaard, S., Heit, B., Fairn, G. D., & Lee, W. L. 2017 Frontiers in Physiology
Transcellular vesicular transport in epithelial and endothelial cells: Challenges and opportunities Fung, K. Y. Y., Fairn, G. D., & Lee, W. L. 2017 Traffic
Cost-effective elimination of lipofuscin fluorescence from formalin-fixed brain tissue by white phosphor light emitting diode array Sun, Y., & Chakrabartty, A. 2016 Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Résultats 491 à 500 sur 558 Publications
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