
Résultats 71 à 80 sur 558 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Serum omega-3 fatty acids and cognitive domains in community-dwelling older adults from the NuAge Study: Exploring the associations with other fatty acids and sex
Duchaine C.S.**, Fiocco A.J*, Carmichael P.H, Cunnane S.C, Plourde M., Lampuré A., Allès B., Belleville S.*, Gaudreau P.*, Presse N.*, Ferland G.*, Laurin D.*  2022 Journal of Nutrition
Validating the Mild Behavioral Impairment Checklist in a Cognitive Clinic: Comparisons With the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire
Hu S., Patten S., Charlton A., Fischer K., Fick G., Smith E.E.*, Ismail Z.* 2022 Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology
Staff perceptions of the consequences of COVID‐19 on quality of dementia care for residents in Ontario long‐term care homes
Kirkham J.*, Shorey C.L., Iaboni A.*, Quirt H., Grigorovich A., Astell A.*, Lin E., Maxwell C.J.* 2022 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Description of organizational and clinician characteristics of primary dementia care in Canada: a multi‑method study
Henein M., Arsenault-Lapierre G.*, Sourial N.*, Godard-Sebillotte C.*, Bergman H.*, Vedel I.*, & Research on Organization of Healthcare Services for Alzheimer’s (ROSA) Team. 2022 BMC Primary Care
Do Interventions Reducing Social Vulnerability Improve Health in Community Dwelling Older Adults? A Systematic Review
Mah, J., Rockwood, K.*, Stevens, S., Keefe, J.*, & Andrew, M. K.* 2022 Clinical Interventions in Aging
Protocol for SYNchronising Exercises, Remedies in GaIt and Cognition at Home (SYNERGIC@Home): feasibility of a home-based double-blind randomised controlled trial to improve gait and cognition in individuals at risk for dementia
McGibbon C.*, Jarrett P.*, Handrigan G., Bouchard D., Tranchant C.C., Sexton A.M., Yetman L., Robinson B.*, Crapoulet S., Chamard-Witkowski L., Liu-Ambrose T.*, Middleton L.E.*, Almeida Q.J.*, Bherer L.*, Lim A*, Speechley M.*, Kamkar N., Montero Odasso M.*; Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA)*, & CAN-THUMBS UP Group*. 2022 BMJ Open
Mediators of Cognitive Impairment in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Durrani R.**, Wang M., Cox E., Irving E., Saad F, McCreary C.R., Beaudin A.E.**, Gee M., Nelles K., Sajobi T.T., Ismail Z.*, Camicioli R.*, Smith E.E.* 2022 International Journal of Stroke
Using Transfer Learning for Automated Microbleed Segmentation
Dadar, M.**, Zhernovaia, M., Mahmoud, S., Camicioli, R.*, Maranzano, J*., & Duchesne, S.* 2022 bioRxiv
Diffusion tensor tractography of the fornix in cerebral amyloid angiopathy, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease
Shaikh I., Beaulieu C.*, Gee M., McCreary C.R., Beaudin A.E.**, Valdés-Cabrera D., Smith E.E.*, Camicioli R.*  2022 NeuroImage: Clinical
DARQ: Deep learning of quality control for stereotaxic registration of human brain MRI to the T1w MNI-ICBM 152 template
Fonov, V. S., Dadar, M.**, The PREVENT-AD Research Group ADNI, & Collins, D. L.* 2022 NeuroImage
Résultats 71 à 80 sur 558 Publications
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