
Résultats 121 à 130 sur 551 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Cognitive and brain cytokine profile of non-demented individuals with cerebral amyloid-beta deposition
Flores-Aguilar F**, Iulita MF, Orciani C, Tanna N, Yang J, Bennett DA 2021 Journal of Neuroinflammation
Precocious White Matter Inflammation and Behavioural Inflexibility Precede Learning and Memory Impairment in the TgAPP21 Rat Model of Alzheimer Disease
Levit A, Gibson A, Hough O, Jung Y, Agca Y, Agca C, Hachinski V*, Allman BL, Whitehead SN* 2021 Molecular Neurobiology
Microglial activation and tau propagate jointly across Braak stages
Pascoal TA, Benedet Al, Ashton NJ, Kang MS, Therriault J, Chamoun M, Savard M, Lussier FZ, Tissot C, Karikari TK, Ottoy J, Mathotaarachchi S, Stevenson J, Massarweh G, Scholl M, de Leon MJ, Soucy JP, Edison P, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Gauthier S*, Rosa-Neto P*. 2021 Nature medicine
Centenarians and extremely old people living with frailty can elicit durable SARS-CoV-2 spike specific IgG antibodies with virus neutralization functions following virus infection as determined by serological study
Foley MK, Searle SD, Toloue A, Booth R, Falkenham A, Falzarano D, Rubino S, Francis ME, McNeil M, Richardson C, LeBlanc J, Oldford S, Gerdts V, Andrew MK*, McNeil SA, Clarke B, Rockwood K*, Kelvin DJ, Kelvin AA 2021 Eclinical Medicine
DARQ: Deep learning of quality control for stereotaxic registration or human brain MRI
Fonov VS, Dadar M*, PREVENT-AD Research Group, ADNI, Collins DL* 2021 BioRxiv
Race- and Sex-Based Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical Trial Enrollment in the United States and Canada: An Indigenous Perspective
Olson NL, Albensi BC* 2020 Journbal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports
The degree of frailty as a translational measure of health in aging
Howlett SE, Rutenberg AD, Rockwood K* 2021 Nature Aging
Preclinical in vivo longitudinal assessment of KG207-M as a disease-modifying Alzheimer’s disease therapeutic
Kang MS, Shin M, Ottoy J, Aliaga AA, Mathotaarachchi S**, Quispialaya K, Pascoal TA, Collins DL*, Chakravarty MM*, Mathieu A, Sandelius A, Blennow K*, Zetterberg H*, Massarweh G, Soucy JP*, Cuelo AC*, Gauthier S*, Waterson M, Yogahathan N, Lessard E, Haqqani A, Rennie K, Stanimirovic D, Chakravarthy B, Rosa-Neto P* 2021 Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
Diffusely abnormal white matter converts to T2 lesion volume in the absence of acute inflammation
Dadar M**, Mahmoud S, Narayanan S*, Collins DL*, Arnold DL, Maranzano J* 2021 bioRxiv
Clinical and genetic analysis of Costa Rican patients with Parkinson’s disease
Torrealba-Acosta G, Yu E, Lobo-Prada T, Ruíz-Martínez J, Gorostidi-Pagola A, Gan-Or Z*, Carazo-Céspedes K, Trempe JF, Mata IF, Fornaguera-Trías J 2021 Frontiers in Neurology
Résultats 121 à 130 sur 551 Publications
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