
Résultats 161 à 170 sur 558 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Plasma neurofilament light associates with Alzheimer’s disease metabolic decline in amyloid-positive individuals. Benedet, AL.*, Ashton, NJ., Pascoal, TA.*, Leuzy, A., Mathotaarachchi, S.*, Kang, MS., Therriault, J.*, Savard, M.*, Chamoun, M., Scholl, M., Zimmer, ER., Gauthier, S.**, Labbe, A.*, Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Neto, PR**. 2019 Alzheimer's & dementia : diagnosis, assessment & disease monitoring
Plasma Levels of Phosphorylated Tau 181 Are Associated With Cerebral Metabolic Dysfunction in Cognitively Impaired Individuals
Lussier FZ, Benedet AL, Therriault J, Pascoal TA, Tissot C, Chamoun M, Mathotaarachchi S, Savars M, Ashton NJ, Karikari TK, Rodriguez JL, Snellman A, Bezgin G, Kang MS, Arias JF, Wang YT, Gauthier S*, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Rosa-Neto P* 2020 Molecular Neurodegeneration
Plasma Levels of Phosphorylated Tau 181 Are Associated With Cerebral Metabolic Dysfunction in Cognitively Impaired and Amyloid-Positive Individuals
Lussier FZ, Benedet AL, Therriault J, Pascoal TA, Tissot C, Chamoun M, Mathotaarachchi S, Savars M, Ashton NJ, Karikari TK, Rodriguez JL, Snellman A, Bezgin G, Kang MS, Arias JF, Wang YT, Gauthier S*, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Rosa-Neto* for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 2021 Brain Communications
Physical Activity and Mobility Differentially Predict Nondemented Executive Function Trajectories: Do Sex and APOE Moderate These Associations? "Thibeau, S.*, McFall, GP.**, Camicioli, R.**, Dixon, RA**. " 2019 Gerontology
Phase to Phase with TDP-43 Sun, Y., & Chakrabartty, A. 2017 Biochemistry
PET imaging of freely moving interacting rats
Miranda A, Kang MS, Blinder S, Bouhachi R, Soucy JP, Aliaga-Aliaga A, Massarweh G, Stroobants S, Staelens S, Rosa-Neto P*, Verhaeghe J 2019 NeuroImage
Perturbed mitochondria-ER contacts in live neurons that model the amyloid pathology of Alzheimer’s disease
Martino Adami PV, Nichtová Z, Weaver DB, Bartok A, Wisniewski T, Jones DR, Do Carmo S, Castaño EM, Cuello AC*, Hajnóczky G, Morelli L 2019 Journal of Cell Science
Performance of plasma amyloid, tau, and astrocyte biomarkers to identify cerebral AD pathophysiology
Ferreira, P.C.L., Tissot, C., Ferrari-Souza, J.P., Brum, W.S., Bellaver, B., Leffa, D.T., Therriault, J., Benedet, A.L., Lussier, F.Z., Chamoun, M., Bezgin, G., Servaes, S., Stevenson, J., Rahmouni, N., Pallen, V.**, Kang, M.S., Poltronetti, N.M., Tudorascu, D.L., Klunk, W.E., Villemagne, V.L., Cohen, A., Gauthier, S.*, Zimmer, E.R., Ashton, N.J., Zetterberg, H., Blennow, K., Karikari, T.K., Rosa-Neto, P.*, Pascoal, T.A. 2022 MedRxiv
Perceptions and outcomes of an embedded Alzheimer Society First Link Coordinator in rural primary health care memory clinics
Morgan, D. G.*, Kosteniuk, J.*, & Bayly, M.** 2024 BMC Health Services Research
Patients come from populations and populations contain patients. A two-stage scientific and ethics review: The next adaptation for single institutional review boards Knopman, D., Alford, E., Tate, K., Long, M., & Khachaturian, A. S. 2017 Alzheimer's & Dementia
Résultats 161 à 170 sur 558 Publications
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