
Résultats 11 à 20 sur 555 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Memory Resilience to Alzheimer’s Genetic Risk: Sex Effects in Predictor Profiles.
McDermott KL, McFall GP, Andrews SJ, Anstey KJ, Dixon RA The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Meta-analysis of Driving Cessation and Dementia: Does Sex Matter?
Baines N, Au B, Rapoport MJ, Naglie G, Tierney MC. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Consensus on Shared Measures of Mobility and Cognition: From the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA). Montero-Odasso, M.**, Almeida, Q.J.**, Bherer, L.**, Burhan, A.M.**, Camicioli, R.**, Doyon, J.**, Fraser, S.**, Muir-Hunter, S.**, Li, K.Z.H.**, Liu-Ambrose, T.**, McIlroy, W.**, Middleton, L.**, Morais, J.A.**, Sakurai, R.**, Speechley, M.**, Vasudev, A.**, Beauchet, O.**, Hausdorff, J.M., Rosano, C., Studenski, S., Verghese, J., Canadian G, Cognition N. 2018 The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Entorhinal cortex volume is associated with dual-task gait cost among older adults with MCI: Results from the Gait and Brain Study Sakurai, R, Bartha, R, & Montero-Odasso, M. 2018 The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Disentangling Cognitive-Frailty: Results From the Gait and Brain Study
Auteurs: Montero-Odasso MM, Barnes B, Speechley M, Muir Hunter SW, Doherty TJ, Duque G, Gopaul K, Sposato LA, Casas-Herrero A, Borrie MJ, Camicioli R, Wells JL. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
An action plan to face the challenge of dementia: INTERNATIONAL STATEMENT ON DEMENTIA from IAP for Health Chertkow, H., on behalf of the Research Executive Committee of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging and the International IAP committee on Dementia 2018 The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease
Protocol for the Brain Health Support Program Study of the Canadian Therapeutic Platform Trial for Multidomain Interventions to Prevent Dementia (CAN-THUMBS UP): A Prospective 12-Month Intervention
Feldman, H.H.*, Belleville, S.*, Nygaard, H.B.*, Montero-Odasso, M.*, Durant, J., Lupo, J-L., Revta, C., Chan, S., Cuesta, M., Slack, P.J., Winer, S., Brewster, P.W.H.*, Hofer, S.M.*, Lim, A.*, Centen, A., Jacobs, D.M.*, Anderson, N.D.*, Walker, J.D.*, Speechley, M.R.*, Zou, G.Y.*, Chertkow, H.*, & Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA), CAN-THUMBS UP Study Group 2023 The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease
Ethical Considerations at the Intersection of Social Media and Dementia Prevention Research
Hrincu, V.**, Zaleski, G., & Robillard, J.M. 2024 The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease
Combination Therapy of Anti-Tau and Anti-Amyloid Drugs for Disease Modification in Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease: Socio-Economic Considerations Modeled on Treatments for Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Breast Cancer.
Auteurs: Tomaszewski S, Gauthier S, Wimo A, Rosa-Neto P. The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease
Solvent Composition Effects on the Structural Properties of the Abeta42 Monomer from the 3D-RISM-KH Molecular Theory of Solvation. Blinov, N., Wishart, DS**, Kovalenko, A**. 2019 The journal of physical chemistry
Résultats 11 à 20 sur 555 Publications
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