
Résultats 21 à 30 sur 555 Publications
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Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Aerobic Glycolysis in the Frontal Cortex Correlates with Memory Performance in Wild-Type Mice But Not the APP/PS1 Mouse Model of Cerebral Amyloidosis
Auteurs: Harris RA, Tindale L, Lone A, Singh O, Macauley SL, Stanley M, Holtzman DM, Bartha R, Cumming RC. The Journal of Neuroscience
The Paradox of Dementia and Driving Cessation: “It’s a Hot Topic”, “Always on the Back Burner”
Stasiulis E, Rapoport MJ*, Sivajohan B, Naglie G* (Team 16) 2020 The Gerontologist
Overcoming barriers to technology adoption for older adults to maintain virtual community and social connections during the COVID-19 pandemic
O’Connell ME*, Haase K*, Grewal K**, Panyavin I, Kortzman A*, Flath M**, Cammer A*, Cosco T, Peacock S* 2021 The Clinical Gerontologist
A systematic review of intervention approaches for driving cessation in older adults
Rapoport, M. J., Cameron, D. H., Sanford, S., Naglie, G., Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging: Driving, & Dementia, Team. 2017 The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Clinical Accuracy of Serum Neurofilament Light to Differentiate Frontotemporal Dementia from Primary Psychiatric Disorders is Age-Dependent
Light, V.**, Jones, S.L., Rahme, E., Rousseau, K., de Boer, S., Vermunt, L., Soltaninejad, M., Teunissen, C., Pijnenburg, Y., Ducharme, S.*, For Signature Consortium, & CCNA 2024 The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Marked differences in C9orf72 methylation status and isoform expression between C9/ALS human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells Cohen-Hadad, Y., Altarescu, G., Eldar-Geva, T., Levi-Lahad, E., Zhang, M.**, Rogaeva, E., Gotkine, M., Bartok, O., Ashwal-Fluss, R., Kadener, S., Epsztejn-Litman, S., & Eiges, R. 2016 Stem Cell Reports
Indigenous-specific cultural safety within health and dementia care: A scoping review of reviews
Chakanyuka, C., Bacsu, J. R.**, DesRoches, A., Dame, J., Carrier, L., Symenuk, P., O'Connell, M. E.*, Crowshoe, L.*, Walker, J.*, & Bourque Bearskin, L.* 2021 Social Science & Medicine
A Rationally Designed Humanized Antibody Selective for Amyloid Beta Oligomers in Alzheimer’s Disease. Gibbs, E., Silverman, JM.**, Zhao, B., Peng, X., Wang, J., Wellington, CL.**, Mackenzie, IR.**, Plotkin, SS.**, Kaplan, JM., Cashman, NR**. 2019 Scientific reports.
Gender specific factors contributing to cognitive resilience in APOE ɛ4 positive older adults in a population-based sample
Zheng, L., Eramudugolla, R., Cherbuin, N., Drouin, S. M.**, Dixon, R. A.*, & Anstey, K. J. 2023 Scientific Reports
A portrait of obstructive sleep apnea risk factors in 27,210 middle-aged and older adults in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Thompson, C., Legault, J.**, Moullec, G., Baltzan, M.*, Cross, N., Dang-Vu, T. T.*, Martineau-Dussault, M. È., Hanly, P.*, Ayas, N.*, Lorrain, D.*, Einstein, G.*, Carrier, J.*, & Gosselin, N.* 2022 Scientific Reports
Résultats 21 à 30 sur 555 Publications
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