
Résultats 211 à 220 sur 555 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Cognitive and brain cytokine profile of non-demented individuals with cerebral amyloid-beta deposition
Flores-Aguilar F**, Iulita MF, Orciani C, Tanna N, Yang J, Bennett DA 2021 Journal of Neuroinflammation
Age-related deregulation of TDP-43 after stroke enhances NF-kappaB-mediated inflammation and neuronal damage Thammisetty, S.S., Pedragosa, J., Weng, Y.C., Calon, F.**, Planas, A., Kriz, J.** 2018 Journal of Neuroinflammation
APP21 transgenic rats develop age-dependent cognitive impairment and microglia accumulation within white matter tracts Weishaupt, N., Liu, Q., Shin, S., Singh, R., Agca, Y., Agca, C., Hachinski, V., & Whitehead, S.N. 2018 Journal of Neuroinflammation
White matter inflammation and cognitive function in a co-morbid metabolic syndrome and prodromal
N. Ivanova, Q. Liu, C. Agca, Y. Agca, E.G. Noble, S.N. Whitehead and D.F. Cechetto 2020 Journal of Neuroinflammation
Tardive neurotoxicity of anticholinergic drugs: A review
Marzoughi S, Banerjee A, Jutzeler CR, Prado MAM*, Rosner J, Craggs JJ, Cashman N* 2020 Journal of Neurochemistry
Arterial stiffness, cognitive impairment and dementia: confounding factor or real risk? Iulita, M. F., Noriega de la Colina, A., & Girouard, H. 2017 Journal of Neurochemistry
Rho-associated protein kinases as therapeutic targets for both vascular and parenchymal pathologies in Alzheimer’s disease Lai, A. Y., & McLaurin, J. 2017 Journal of Neurochemistry
Early-stage attenuation of phase-amplitude coupling in the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex in a transgenic rat model of Alzheimer’s disease Bazzigaluppi, P., Beckett, T. L., Koletar, M. M., Lai, A. Y., Joo, I. L., Brown, M. E., Carlen, P. L., McLaurin, J., & Stefanovic, B. 2017 Journal of Neurochemistry
TOX3 variants are involved in restless legs syndrome and Parkinson’s Disease with opposite effects Mohtashami, S., He, Q., Ruskey, J.A., Zhou, S., Dion, P.A., Allen, R.P., Earley, C.J., Fon, E.A., Xiong, L., Dupre, N., Dauvillers, Y., Rouleau, G.A., & Gan-Or, Z. 2018 Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
Inferring Destinations and Activity Types of Older Adults from GPS Data: A Feasibility Study
Bayat S, Naglie G*, Rapoport M*, Stasiulis E, Chikhaoui B., Mihalidis A 2020 Journal of Medical Internet Research – Aging
Résultats 211 à 220 sur 555 Publications
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