
Résultats 261 à 270 sur 558 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Impact of health service interventions on acute hospital use in community-dwelling persons with dementia: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Godard-Sebillotte, C.*, Le Berre, M.*, Schuster, T., Trottier, M., Vedel, I**. 2019 PLoS One.
Image-encoded biological and non-biological variables may be used as shortcuts in deep learning models trained on multisite neuroimaging data
Souza, R., Wilms, M., Camacho, M.**, Pike, G. B.*, Camicioli, R.*, Monchi, O.*, & Forkert, N. D.* 2023 Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Identifying key multi-modal predictors of incipient dementia in Parkinson’s disease: a machine learning analysis and Tree SHAP interpretation
McFall, G.P.*, Bohn, L.**, Drouin, S.M.**, Gee, M., Fah, H., Han, W., Li, L.*, Camicioli, R.*, & Dixon, R.A.* 2023 Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Identifying incipient dementia individuals using machine learning and amyloid imaging Mathotaarachchi, S., Pascoal, T. A., Shin, M., Benedet, A. L., Kang, M. S., Beaudry, T., Fonov, V. S., Gauthier, S., Rosa-Neto, P., & Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 2017 Neurobiology of Aging
Identification and Preliminary Validation of a Plasma Profile Associated with Cognitive Decline in Dementia and At-Risk Individuals: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis
Iulita MF, Ganesh A, Pentz R, Flores Aguilar L, Gubert P, Ducatenzeiler A, Christie S, Wilcock GK, Cuello* AC 2019 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Hypertension and pathogenic hAPP independently induce white matter astrocytosis and cognitive impairment in the rat
Levit A, Cheng S , Hough O, Agca Y, Agca C, Hachinski V, Whitehead SN* 2020 Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Household physical activity is positively associated with gray matter volume in older adults
Koblinsky ND, Meusel LA, Greenwood CE, Anderson ND* 2021 BMC Geriatrics
High-density lipoproteins suppress Abeta-induced PBMC adhesion to human endothelial cells in bioengineered vessels and in monoculture Robert, J., Button, E. B., Stukas, S., Boyce, G. K., Gibbs, E., Cowan, C. M., Gilmour, M., Cheng, W. H., Soo, S. K., Yuen, B., Bahrabadi, A., Kang, K., Kulic, I., Francis, G., Cashman, N., & Wellington, C. L. 2017 Molecular Neurodegeneration
Heritability and genetic variance of dementia with Lewy bodies. Guerreiro, R., Escott-Price, V., Hernandez, D.G., Kun-Rodrigues, C., Ross, O.A., Orme, T., Neto, J.L., Carmona, S., Dehghani, N., Eicher, J.D., Shepherd, C., Parkkinen, L., Darwent, L., Heckman, M.G., Scholz, S.W., Troncoso, J.C., Pletnikova, O., Dawson, T., Rosenthal, L., Ansorge, O., Clarimon, J., Lleo, A., Morenas-Rodriguez, E., Clark, L., Honig, L.S., Marder, K., Lemstra, A., Rogaeva, E.**, St George-Hyslop, P.**, Londos, E., Zetterberg, H., Barber, I., Braae, A., Brown, K., Morgan, K., Troakes, C., Al-Sarraj, S., Lashley, T., Holton, J., Compta, Y., Van Deerlin, V., Serrano, G.E., Beach, T.G., Lesage, S., Galasko, D., Masliah, E., Santana, I., Pastor, P., Diez-Fairen, M., Aguilar, M., Tienari, P.J., Myllykangas, L., Oinas, M., Revesz, T., Lees, A., Boeve, B.F., Petersen, R.C., Ferman, T.J., Graff-Radford, N., Cairns, N.J., Morris, J.C., Pickering-Brown, S., Mann, D., Halliday, G.M., Hardy, J., Trojanowski, J.Q., Dickson, D.W., Singleton, A. 2019 Neurobiology of Diseas
Hearing  and  Cognitive  Impairments  Increase  the  Risk  of  Long-term Care Admissions
Williams N*, Phillips NA**, Wittich W**, Campos JL**, Mick P**, Orange JB**, Pichora-Fuller MK**, Savundranayagam MY**, Guthrie DM** 2020 Innovation in Aging
Résultats 261 à 270 sur 558 Publications
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