
Résultats 381 à 390 sur 558 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Detection of vision and /or hearing loss using the interRAI Community Health Assessment aligns well with common behavioral vision/hearing measurements Urqueta Alfaro, A.*, Guthrie, DM.**, Phillips, NA.**, Pichora-Fuller, MK.**, Mick, P.**, McGraw, C.*, Wittich, W**. 2019 PLoS One
Detection of Active Caspase-3 in Mouse Models of Stroke and Alzheimer’s Disease with a Novel Dual Positron Emission Tomography/Fluorescent Tracer Ostapchenko, VG., Snir, J., Suchy, M., Fan, J., Cobb, MR., Chronik, BA., Kovacs, M., Prado, VF.**, Hudson, RHE., Pasternak, SH.**, Prado, MAM.**, Bartha, R.** 2019 Contrast Media Mol Imaging.
Detecting unseen falls from wearable devices using channel-wise ensemble of autoencoders Khan, S. S., & Taati, B. 2017 Expert Systems with Applications
Description of organizational and clinician characteristics of primary dementia care in Canada: a multi‑method study
Henein M., Arsenault-Lapierre G.*, Sourial N.*, Godard-Sebillotte C.*, Bergman H.*, Vedel I.*, & Research on Organization of Healthcare Services for Alzheimer’s (ROSA) Team. 2022 BMC Primary Care
Dementia-Related Education and Support Service Availability, Accessibility, and Use in Rural Areas: Barriers and Solutions
Bayly, M.**, Morgan, D.*, Froehlich Chow, A., Kosteniuk, J., & Elliot, V. 2020 Canadian Journal on Aging
Dementia-related continuing education for rural interprofessional primary health care in Saskatchewan, Canada: perceptions and needs of webinar participants
Kosteniuk J.*, Morgan D*., O’Connell M.E.*, Seitz D.*, Elliot V., Bayly M.**, Cameron C., Froehlich Chow A.* 2022 Primary Health Care Research & Development
Dementia-friendly communities: where home care and mental health intersect Weir, E., & Seitz, D. 2017 Canadian Medical Association Journal
Dementia with Lewy bodies research consortia: A global perspective from the ISTAART Lewy Body Dementias Professional Interest Area working group
D’Antonio F, Kane JPM, Ibañez A, Lewis SJG, Camicioli R*, Wang H, Yu Y, Zhang J, Ji Y, Borda MG, Kandadai RM, Babiloni C, Bonanni L, Ikeda M, Boeve BF, Leverenz JB, Aarsland D, the ISTAART Lewy body dementias Consortia Working Group 2021 Alzheimer’s Dementia
Dementia Risk Prediction in a Longitudinal Geriatric Parkinson’s Disease Cohort: Evaluation and Application of the Montreal Parkinson Risk of Dementia Scale
Bohn, L.**, McFall, G. P.*, Gee, M., Postuma, R. B.*, Dixon, R. A.*, & Camicioli, R.* 2023 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Data-driven approaches to executive function performance and structure in aging: Integrating person-centered analyses and machine learning risk prediction
Caballero HS**, McFall GP*, Dixon RA* 2021 Neuropsychology
Résultats 381 à 390 sur 558 Publications
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