
Résultats 31 à 40 sur 548 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
Canadian Consensus Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia (CCCDTD)5: Guidelines for management of vascular cognitive impairment
Smith EE*, Barber P*, Field TS*, Ganesh A, Hachinski V*, Hogan DB*, Lanctôt KL*, Lindsay MP, Sharma M*, Schwartz RH, Ismail Z*, Gauthier S*, Black SE* 2020 Alzheimer's & Dementia
White matter hyperintensities and longitudinal cognitive decline in cognitively normal populations and across diagnostic categories: A meta-analysis, systematic review, and recommendations for future study harmonization
Roseborough, A. D.**, Saad, L., Goodman, M., Cipriano, L. E., Hachinski, V. C.*, & Whitehead, S. N.* 2022 Alzheimer's & Dementia
The Brain Health Support Program: A web-based interactive platform to increase dementia literacy and awareness regarding lifestyle factors in at-risk individuals
Belleville S*, Nygaard HB*, Bherer L*, Camicioli R*, Carrier J*, Anderson ND*, Dang-Vu TT*, Dwosh E, Ferland G*, Harris E, Laurin D*, Liu-Ambrose T*, Madlensky L, Miller L, Montero-Odasso M*, Phillips N*, Pichora-Fuller MK*, Robillard J*, Smith EE*, Speechley MR*, Wittich W*, Chertkow H*, Feldman HH*, the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging 2020 Alzheimer's & Dementia
CAN-Thumbs UP
Nygaard HB*, Chertkow H*, Feldman HH*, Belleville S*, Montero-Odasso M* 2021 Alzheimer's & Dementia
Ethical adoption: a new imperative in the development of technology for dementia Robillard, J.M.**, Cleland, I., Hoey, J., Nugent, C. 2018 Alzheimer's & Dementia
Consent recommendations for research and international data sharing involving persons with dementia Thorogood, A., Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, A., Brodaty, H., Dalpé, G., Gastmans, C., Gauthier, S., Gove, D., Harding, R., Knoppers, B. M., Rossor, M., & Bobrow, M. 2018 Alzheimer's & Dementia
Patients come from populations and populations contain patients. A two-stage scientific and ethics review: The next adaptation for single institutional review boards Knopman, D., Alford, E., Tate, K., Long, M., & Khachaturian, A. S. 2017 Alzheimer's & Dementia
CCCDTD5 recommendations on early and timely assessment of neurocognitive disorders using cognitive, behavioral, and functional scales
Tang-Wai DF*, Smith EE*, Bruneau MA*, Burhan AM*, Chatterjee A, Chertkow H*, Choudhury S, Dorri E, Ducharme S*, Fischer CE, Ghodasara S, Herrmann N*, Hsuing GYR*, Kumar S*, Laforce R Jr*, Lee L*, Massoud F, Shulman KI, Stiffel M, Gauthier S*, Ismail Z* 2020 Alzheimer's & Dementia
Recommendations of the 5th Canadian Consensus Conference on the diagnosis and treatment of dementia
Ismail Z*, Black SE*, Camicioli R*, Chertkow H*, Herrmann N*, Laforce R Jr.*, Montero-Odasso M*, Rockwood K*, Rosa-Neto P*, Seitz D*, Sivananthan S, Smith EE*, Soucy JP, Vedel I*, Gauthier S*, the CCCDTD5 participants 2020 Alzheimer's & Dementia
Progress in transnational scientific and ethics review: Commentary on the proposal for a single North American review board for research on dementia Gauthier, S., Robillard, J., & de Champlain, J. 2018 Alzheimer's & Dementia
Résultats 31 à 40 sur 548 Publications
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