
Résultats 41 à 50 sur 555 Publications
Titre Auteurs
Chercheurs du CCNV* / Stagiaires du CCNV**
Année Revue
A collaborative intervention for deprescribing: The role of stakeholder and patient engagement
Trenaman S*, Willison M, Robinson B, Andrew M* 2019 Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy
Does early-stage intervention improve caregiver wellbeing or their ability to provide care to persons with mild dementia or mild cognitive impairment? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Bayly M**, Morgan D*, Elliot V, Kosteniuk J*, Froehlich Chow A*, O’Connell ME*, Peacock S* 2021 Psychology and Aging
Scoring Algorithms for a Computer-Based Cognitive Screening Tool: An Illustrative Example of Overfitting Machine Learning Approaches and the Impact on Estimates of Classification Accuracy
Ursenbach J*, O’Connell ME*, Neiser J, Tierney M, Morgan D*, Kosteniuk J*, Spiteri RJ 2019 Psychological Assessment
Early intraneuronal amyloid triggers neuron-derived inflammatory signaling in APP transgenic rats and human brain
Welikovitch LA, Do Carmo S, Maglóczky Z, Malcolm JC, Lőke J, Klein WL, Freund T, Cuello AC 2020 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Direct observation of structure and dynamics during phase separation of an elastomeric protein Reichheld, S. E., Muiznieks, L. D., Keeley, F. W., & Sharpe, S. 2017 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Dementia-related continuing education for rural interprofessional primary health care in Saskatchewan, Canada: perceptions and needs of webinar participants
Kosteniuk J.*, Morgan D*., O’Connell M.E.*, Seitz D.*, Elliot V., Bayly M.**, Cameron C., Froehlich Chow A.* 2022 Primary Health Care Research & Development
A five-step approach for developing and implementing a Rural Primary Health Care Model for Dementia: a community–academic partnership
Morgan D, Kosteniuk J, Seitz D, O’Connell ME, Kirk A, Stewart NJ, Holroyd-Leduc J, Daku J, Hack T, Hoium F, Kennett-Russill D 2019 Primary Health Care Research & Development
Impact of health service interventions on acute hospital use in community-dwelling persons with dementia: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Godard-Sebillotte, C.*, Le Berre, M.*, Schuster, T., Trottier, M., Vedel, I**. 2019 PLoS One.
Digital tools for delivery of dementia education for caregivers of persons with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of impact on caregiver distress and depressive symptoms
Scerbe, A.**, O'Connell, M. E.*, Astell, A.*, Morgan, D.*, Kosteniuk, J.*, Panyavin, I., DesRoches, A., & Webster, C. 2023 PLoS One
Detection of vision and /or hearing loss using the interRAI Community Health Assessment aligns well with common behavioral vision/hearing measurements Urqueta Alfaro, A.*, Guthrie, DM.**, Phillips, NA.**, Pichora-Fuller, MK.**, Mick, P.**, McGraw, C.*, Wittich, W**. 2019 PLoS One
Résultats 41 à 50 sur 555 Publications
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