
Showing 151 to 160 of 549 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Comprehensive Analysis of Familial Parkinsonism Genes in Rapid-Eye-Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder
Mufti K, Yu E, Ruskey JA, Laurent SB, Arnault I, Hu MTM, Montplaisir JY, Gagnon JF, Desautels A, Gigli GL, Janes F, Stefani A, Sonka K, Oertel W, Plazzi G, Figorilli M, Puligheddu M, Trenkwalder C, Sixel-Doring F, Cochen De Cock V, Monaca CC, Heidbreder A, Djikstra F, Abril B, Postuma RB*, Rouleau GA*, Gan-Or Z* 2020 Movement Disorders
Comprehensive assessment of PINK1 variants in PD
Krohn L, Green FP, Makarious MB, Kim JJ, Bandres-Ciga S, Roosen DA, Gan-Or Z, Nalls MA, Singleton AB, Blauwendraat C, IPDGC 2020 Neurobiology of Aging
Comprehensive Serum Lipidomics for Detecting Incipient Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease
Zardini Buzatto A, Tatlay J, Bajwa B, Mung D, Camicioli R*, Dixon RA*, Li L*.  2021 Journal of Proteome research
Consensus on Shared Measures of Mobility and Cognition: From the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA). Montero-Odasso, M.**, Almeida, Q.J.**, Bherer, L.**, Burhan, A.M.**, Camicioli, R.**, Doyon, J.**, Fraser, S.**, Muir-Hunter, S.**, Li, K.Z.H.**, Liu-Ambrose, T.**, McIlroy, W.**, Middleton, L.**, Morais, J.A.**, Sakurai, R.**, Speechley, M.**, Vasudev, A.**, Beauchet, O.**, Hausdorff, J.M., Rosano, C., Studenski, S., Verghese, J., Canadian G, Cognition N. 2018 The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Consensus Statement Regarding the Application of Biogen to Health Canada for Approval of Aducanumab
Chertkow, H.*, Rockwood, K.*, Hogan, D. B.*, Phillips, N.*, Montero-Odasso, M.*, Amanullah, S., Black, S.*, Bocti, C.*, Borrie, M.*, Feldman, H.*, Freedman, M.*, Hsiung, R.*, Kirk, A.*, Masellis, M.*, Nygaard, H.*, Rajji, T.*, & Verret, L.* 2021 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Consent recommendations for research and international data sharing involving persons with dementia Thorogood, A., Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, A., Brodaty, H., Dalpé, G., Gastmans, C., Gauthier, S., Gove, D., Harding, R., Knoppers, B. M., Rossor, M., & Bobrow, M. 2018 Alzheimer's & Dementia
Considering Frailty in Sars-CoV-2 Vaccine Development: How Geriatricians Can Assist
Andrew MK*, Schmader KE, Rockwood K*, Clarke B, McElhaney JE 2021 Clinical Interventions in Aging
Cost-effective elimination of lipofuscin fluorescence from formalin-fixed brain tissue by white phosphor light emitting diode array Sun, Y., & Chakrabartty, A. 2016 Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Cross-sectional and longitudinal Biomarker extraction and analysis for multicentre FLAIR brain MRI
DiGregorio, J., Gibicar, A., Khosravani, H., Jabehdar Maralani, P., Tardif, J.C., Tyrrell, P.N., Moody, A.R., Khademi, A.* 2022 NeuroImage: Reports
CVLT-II short form forced choice recognition in a clinical dementia sample: Cautions for performance validity assessment
Grewal K.S.**, Trites M., Kirk A.*, MacDonald S.W.S., Morgan D.*, Gowda-Sookochoff R., O'Connell M.E.* 2022 Applied Neuropsychology: Adult
Showing 151 to 160 of 549 Publications
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