
Showing 331 to 340 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
A dataset of long-term consistency values of resting-state fMRI connectivity maps in a single individual derived at multiple sites and vendors using the Canadian Dementia Imaging Protocol
Badhwar AP*, Collin-Verreault Y, Orban P, Urchs S, Chouinard I, Vogel J, Potvin O, Duchesne S*, Bellec P* 2020 NeuroImage
Availability, readability and content of privacy policies and terms of agreement of mental health apps
Robillard JM*, Feng TL, Sporn AB, Lai JA, Lo C, Ta M, Nadler R 2019 Internet Interventions
Evaluation tools of assistive technologies: a scoping review
Tao G, Charm G, Kabacinska K, Miller WC, Robillard JM* 2019 Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Ageism and COVID-19: What does our society’s response say about us?
Fraser S*, Lagacé M, Bongué B, Ndeye N, Guyot J, Bechard L**, Garcia L, Taler V, CCNA Social Inclusion and Stigma Working Group, Adam S, Beaulieu M, Bergeron CD, Boudjemadi V, Desmette D, Donizzetti AR, Éthier S, Garon S, Gillis M, Levasseur M, Lortie-Lussier M, Marier P, Robitaille A, Sawchuk K, Lafontaine C, Tougas F. 2020 Age and Ageing
Blood phosphorylated tau 181 as a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease: a diagnostic performance and prediction modelling study using data from four prospective cohorts
Karikari TK, Pascoal TA, Ashton NJ, Janelidze S, Benedet AL, Rodriguez JL, Chamoun M, Savard M, Kang MS, Therriault J, Scholl M, Massarweh G, Soucy JP, Hoglund K, Brinkmalm G, Mattsson N, Palmqvist S, Gauthier S*, Stomrud E, Zetterberg H, Hansson O, Rosa-Neto P*, Blennow K. 2020 Lancet Neurology
Cognitive markers of dementia risk in middle-aged women with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy prior to menopause
Gervais NJ, Au A, Almey A, Duchesne A**, Gravelsins L, Brown A, Reuben R, Baker-Sullivan E, Schwartz DH, Evans K, Bernadini MQ, Eisen A, Meschino WS, Foulkes WD, Hampson E, Einstein G* 2020 Neurobiology of Aging
Sex differences in the relationship between dietary pattern adherence and cognitive function among older adults: Findings from the NuAge study
D’Amico D, Parrott MD, Greenwood CE, Ferland G*, Gaudreau P*, Belleville S*, Laurin D*, Anderson ND*, Kergoat M**, Morais JA, Presse N*, Fiocco AJ* 2020 BMC Nutrition Journal
Subjective Experiences of driving Cessation and Dementia: A Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Literature
Sanford S, Naglie G*, Cameron DH, Rapoport M* (Team 16) 2020 Clinical Gerontology
The Paradox of Dementia and Driving Cessation: “It’s a Hot Topic”, “Always on the Back Burner”
Stasiulis E, Rapoport MJ*, Sivajohan B, Naglie G* (Team 16) 2020 The Gerontologist
Cerebrovascular amyloid Angiopathy in bioengineered vessels is reduced by high-density lipoprotein particles enriched in Apolipoprotein E
Robert J, Button EB, Martin EM, McAlary L, Gidden Z, Boyce G, Caffrey TM, Agbay A, Clark A, Silverman JM, Cashman NR*, Wellington CL* (Team 3) 2020 Molecular Neurodegeneration
Showing 331 to 340 of 555 Publications
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