
Showing 351 to 360 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Dual-task gait and mild behavioral impairment: The interface between non-cognitive dementia markers
Guan, D. X., Chen, H. Y., Camicioli, R.*, Montero-Odasso, M.*, Smith, E. E.*, & Ismail, Z.* 2022 Experimental Gerontology
Dual-task gait and incident dementia-A step forward, but not there yet-reply Montero-Odasso, M., Camicioli, R., & Muir-Hunter, S.W. 2017 JAMA Neurology
Dual decline in gait speed and cognition is associated with future dementia: evidence for a phenotype
Montero-Odasso M*, Speechley M*, Muir-Hunter SW*, Pieruccini-Faria F, Sarquis-Adamson Y, Hachinski V*, Bherer L*, Borrie M*, Wells J, Garg AX, Tian Q, Ferrucci L, Bray NW, Cullen S, Mahon J, Titus J, Camicioli R*, The Canadian Gait and Cognition Network 2020 Age and Ageing
Does social connection mediate the association between neuroticism and cognition? Cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Bethell, J.*, Andrew, M. K.*, Hothi, S., Mick, P.*, Morgan, D.*, O'Connell, M. E.*, Phillips, N. A.*, Stewart, S., Walker, J. D.*, Wittich, W.*, & McGilton, K. S.* 2023 Aging & mental health
Does early-stage intervention improve caregiver wellbeing or their ability to provide care to persons with mild dementia or mild cognitive impairment? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Bayly M**, Morgan D*, Elliot V, Kosteniuk J*, Froehlich Chow A*, O’Connell ME*, Peacock S* 2021 Psychology and Aging
Do Interventions Reducing Social Vulnerability Improve Health in Community Dwelling Older Adults? A Systematic Review
Mah, J., Rockwood, K.*, Stevens, S., Keefe, J.*, & Andrew, M. K.* 2022 Clinical Interventions in Aging
DNA Methylation Clocks and Their Predictive Capacity for Aging Phenotypes and Healthspan
Bergsma T, Rogaeva E* 2020 Neuroscience Insights
DNA methylation age-acceleration is associated with disease duration and age at onset in C9orf72 patients.
Zhang M, Tartaglia MC, Moreno D, Sato C, McKeever P, Weichert A, Keith J, Robertson J, Zinman L, Rogaeva E Acta Neuropathologica
DNA methylation age-acceleration is associated with disease duration and age at onset in C9orf72 patients
Zhang, M.**., Tartaglia, M. C., Moreno, D., Sato, C., McKeever, P., Weichert, A., Keith, J., Robertson, J., Zinman, L., & Rogaeva, E. 2017 Acta Neuropathologica
DNA methylation age acceleration is associated with ALS age of onset and survival
Zhang M, McKeever PM, Xi Z, Moreno D, Sato C, Bergsma T, McGoldrick P, Keith J**, Robertson J, Zinman L, Rogaeva E** 2020 Acta Neuropathologica
Showing 351 to 360 of 555 Publications
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