
Showing 361 to 370 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Frailty Prevalence in the COMPASS-ND Study of Neurodegenerative Disorders
Burt JR*, Godin J*, Filion J**, Montero-Odasso M**, Rockwood K**, Andrew MK**, Camicioli R** 2019 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Suicidal ideation is common in autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease at-risk persons
Ng KP, Richard-Devantoy S, Bertrand JA, Jiang L, Pascoal TA*, Mathotaarachchi S*, Therriault J*, Yatawara C, Kandiah N, Greenwood CMT, Rosa-Neto P**, Gauthier S** 2019 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Emerging Developments in Targeting Proteotoxicity in Neurodegenerative Diseases
McAlary L, Plotkin SS**, Cashman NR** 2019 CNS Drugs
Exploring the Appropriateness of Culturally Safe Dementia Information with Indigenous People in an Urban Northern Ontario Community
Webkamigad S*, Cote-Meek S, Pianosi B, Jacklin K** 2019 Canadian Journal of Aging
Regional differences in Alzheimer’s disease pathology confound behavioural rescue after amyloid-β attenuation
Morrone CD*, Bazzigaluppi P*, Beckett TL, Hill ME, Koletar MM, Stefanovic B**, McLaurin J** 2019 Brain
Genetic modifiers of risk and age at onset in GBA associated Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia
Blauwendraat C, Reed X, Krohn L*, Heilbron K, Bandres-Ciga S, Tan M, Gibbs JR, Hernandez DG, Kumaran R, Langston R, Bonet-Ponce L, Alcalay RN, Hassin-Baer S, Greenbaum L, Iwaki H, Leonard HL, Grenn FP, Ruskey JA, Sabir M, Ahmed S, Makarious MB, Pihlstrom L, Toft M, van Hilten JJ, Marinus J, Schulte C, Brockmann K, Sharma M, Siitonen A, Majamaa K, Eerola-Rautio J, Tienari PJ, Team TAR, Pantelyat A, Hillis AE, Dawson TM, Rosenthal LS, Albert MS, Resnick SM, Ferrucci L, Morris CM, Pletnikova O, Troncoso J, Grosset D, Lesage S, Corvol JC, Brice A, Noyce AJ, Masliah E, Wood N, Hardy J, Shulman LM, Jankovic J, Shulman JM, Heutink P, Gasser T, Cannon P, Scholz SW, Morris H, Cookson MR, Nalls MA, Gan-Or Z**, Singleton AB 2019 Brain
Analysis of C9orf72 in patients with frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis from Argentina.
Auteurs: Itzcovich T, Xi Z, Martinetto H, Chrem-Mendez P, Russo MJ, de Ambrosi B, Uchitel OD, Nogues M, Silva E, Rojas G, Bagnatti P, Amengual A, Campos J, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Allegri R, Sevlever G, Surace EI Neurobiology of Aging
Ethical Considerations for the Use of Next-Generation Alzheimer Drugs in Symptomatic and At-Risk Patients.
Auteurs: Gauthier S, Rosa-Neto P, Kass JS Continuum
Canadian Consensus Guidelines on Use of Amyloid Imaging in Canada: Update and Future Directions from the Specialized Task Force on Amyloid imaging in Canada.
Auteurs: Laforce R, Rosa-Neto P, Soucy JP, Rabinovici GD, Dubois B, Gauthier S Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences
Resting-state network dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Auteurs: Badhwar A, Tam A, Dansereau C, Orban P, Hoffstaedter F, Bellec P Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring
Showing 361 to 370 of 555 Publications
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