
Showing 401 to 410 of 554 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Engaging People With Lived Experience of Dementia in Research: Perspectives From a Multi-disciplinary Research Network
Bechard, L. E., McGilton, K. S.*, Middleton, L. E.*, Chertkow, H.*, Sivananthan, S., & Bethell, J.* 2022 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Social connection is essential in long-term care homes: considerations during COVID-19 and beyond
Bethell J*, O'Rourke HM*, Eagleson H, Gaetano D, Hykaway W, McAiney C* 2021 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Avoidable hospitalizations in persons with dementia: a population-wide descriptive study (2000-2015)
Godard-Sebillotte C**, Strumpf E*, Sourial N*, Rochette L*, Pelletier E, Vedel I* 2021 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Dementia: A Systematic Review
Sukhawathanakul P, Crizzle A*, Tuokko H, Naglie G*, Rapoport MJ* 2021 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Dementia Risk Prediction in a Longitudinal Geriatric Parkinson’s Disease Cohort: Evaluation and Application of the Montreal Parkinson Risk of Dementia Scale
Bohn, L.**, McFall, G. P.*, Gee, M., Postuma, R. B.*, Dixon, R. A.*, & Camicioli, R.* 2023 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) Partners Forum and Science Days 2022: Abstracts from the Poster Sessions October 11–14, 2022 Authors, V. 2023 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Utilization of Health Services Before and After Diagnosis in a Specialist Rural and Remote Memory Clinic
Kosteniuk, J. G.*, Morgan, D. G.*, Osman, B. A., Islam, N., O'Connell, M. E.*, Kirk, A.*, Quail, J. M., & Osman, M. 2023 Canadian geriatrics journal
Social Vulnerability and Frailty in Hospitalized Older Adults
Mah, J. C.**, Godin, J., Stevens, S. J., Keefe, J. M.*, Rockwood, K.*, & Andrew, M. K.* 2023 Canadian geriatrics journal
Allocating Scarce Resources to Persons with Dementia During a Pandemic
Smith EE, Couillard P, Fisk JD, Ismail Z, Montero-Odasso M, Robillard J, Vedel I, Sivananthan S, Gauthier S. 2020 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Consensus Statement Regarding the Application of Biogen to Health Canada for Approval of Aducanumab
Chertkow, H.*, Rockwood, K.*, Hogan, D. B.*, Phillips, N.*, Montero-Odasso, M.*, Amanullah, S., Black, S.*, Bocti, C.*, Borrie, M.*, Feldman, H.*, Freedman, M.*, Hsiung, R.*, Kirk, A.*, Masellis, M.*, Nygaard, H.*, Rajji, T.*, & Verret, L.* 2021 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Showing 401 to 410 of 554 Publications
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