
Showing 421 to 430 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Clinical and neuropathological features of ALS/FTD with TIA1 mutations Hirsch-Reinshagen, V., Pottier, C., Nicholson, A. M., Baker, M., Hsiung, G.-Y. R., Krieger, C., Sengdy, P., Boylan, K. B., Dickson, D. W., Mesulam, M., Weintraub, S., Bigio, E., Zinman, L., Keith, J., Rogaeva, E., Zivkovic, S. A., Lacomis, D., Taylor, J. P., Rademakers, R., & Mackenzie, I. R. A. 2017 Acta Neuropathologica Communications
Clinical and genetic analysis of Costa Rican patients with Parkinson’s disease
Torrealba-Acosta G, Yu E, Lobo-Prada T, Ruíz-Martínez J, Gorostidi-Pagola A, Gan-Or Z*, Carazo-Céspedes K, Trempe JF, Mata IF, Fornaguera-Trías J 2021 Frontiers in Neurology
Clinical Accuracy of Serum Neurofilament Light to Differentiate Frontotemporal Dementia from Primary Psychiatric Disorders is Age-Dependent
Light, V.**, Jones, S.L., Rahme, E., Rousseau, K., de Boer, S., Vermunt, L., Soltaninejad, M., Teunissen, C., Pijnenburg, Y., Ducharme, S.*, For Signature Consortium, & CCNA 2024 The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Clearance of beta-amyloid is facilitated by apolipoprotein E and circulating high-density lipoproteins in bioengineered human vessels Robert, J., Button, E. B., Yuen, B., Gilmour, M., Kang, K., Bahrabadi, A., Stukas, S., Zhao, W., Kulic, I., & Wellington, C. L. 2017 E-Life
Chloroquine Restores Ganglioside Homeostasis and Improves Pathological and Behavioral Outcomes Post-stroke in the Rat. Caughlin, S*, Hepburn, J., Liu, Q., Wang, L., Yeung, KK., Cechetto, DF., Whitehead, SN**. 2019 Molecular neurobiology
CHIMERA repetitive mild traumatic brain injury induces chronic behavioural and neuropathological phenotypes in wild-type and APP/PS1 mice. Cheng, W.H.**, Martens, K.M.**, Bashir, A.**, Cheung, H.**, Stukas, S.**, Gibbs, E.**, Namjoshi, D.R.**, Button, E.B.**, Wilkinson, A.**, Barron, C.J.**, Cashman, N.R., Cripton, P.A.**, Wellington, C.L. 2019 Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy
Changes in Frailty Predict Changes in Cognition in Older Men: The Honolulu-Asia Aging Study.
Armstrong JJ, Godin J, Launer LJ, White LR, Mitnitski A, Rockwood K, Andrew MK Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Changes in Frailty Predict Changes in Cognition in Older Men: The Honolulu-Asia Aging Study
Armstrong, J.J., Godin, J., Launer, L.J., White, L. R., Mitnitski, A., Rockwood, K., & Andrew, M.K. 2016 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Across the Entire Brain in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Beaudin, A. E.**, McCreary, C. R., Mazerolle, E. L., Gee, M., Sharma, B.**, Subotic, A., Zwiers, A. M., Cox, E., Nelles, K., Charlton, A., Frayne, R.*, Ismail, Z.*, Beaulieu, C.*, Jickling, G., Camicioli, R. M.*, Pike, G. B.*, & Smith, E.* 2022 Neurology
Cerebrovascular damage after midlife transient hypertension in non-transgenic and Alzheimer’s disease rats
Lai AY, Loo IL, Trivedi AU, Dorr A, Hill ME, Stefanovic B*, McLaurin J* 2021 Brain Research
Showing 421 to 430 of 555 Publications
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