Program Managers: Ellen Snowball and Emma Lanza

The Engagement of People with Lived Experience of Dementia (EPLED) is an innovative CCNA program initiated in 2019, in which we have brought people with cognitive impairment and their care partners into many aspects of CCNA’s research and knowledge mobilization.

Engagement of people with lived experience of dementia logo

As part of the Dementia Research Support Hub EPLED will:

  • Support persons with dementia and care partners to be actively involved in the CCNA research process

  • Work with CCNA research Teams, Programs, and Partners to develop novel mechanisms and formats to further this collaboration.

  • Advance the methods of patient engagement in research, including specifically for persons with dementia and care partners, by embedding evaluation processes.

Illustration of People interacting and holding sheets in a park
  • The Engagement of People with Lived Experience of Dementia (EPLED) program was introduced in 2020 as part of CCNA Phase II (2019-2024). EPLED is continuing in Phase III of CCNA (2024-2029).

  • Through this program, EPLED works to enable those with lived experience of dementia – persons with dementia and their care partners (i.e., friends, family and caregivers) – to be meaningfully and actively involved in the research process, including governance, priority setting, conducting research and knowledge mobilization.

Grant writing resource:

Learn about EPLED’s integration of lived experience perspectives in research meetings:

For more information on this program, visit the EPLED Website 

Illustration of elderly people on a park bench
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