Program Manager: Lindsey Thurston

Our goal is to work with CCNA’s research teams to ensure that relevant sex and gender research questions will be studied across the spectrum of neurodegeneration in both human and animal model studies.

Sex and Gender hub logo

By using this lens, CCNA’s research teams can capture important sex and gender differences in the prevalence, incidence, symptoms, and progression of neurodegenerative diseases. For example, these differences may be due to biological and physiological variations between the sexes, and/or gender differences in roles, occupations, environmental exposures, and other life experiences. Understanding sex and gender differences and how they interact is critical for developing interventions for both the prevention and treatment of neurodegeneration.

Illustration of People interacting and holding sheets in a park


  • Creating guidelines to ensure that the data collected in the COMPASS-ND study, a clinical cohort study, will enable teams to examine sex and gender differences in the 1600 cohort participants.

  • Ensuring that each sex will be equally represented in all of the neurodegenerative conditions within the clinical cohort.

  • Working with the teams using animal models to support the inclusion of both male and female experimental animals, to ensure generalizability of the findings to both sexes.

  • Ensuring that every CCNA publication and presentation reports sex differences in human participants, cell lines, and experimental animals (mandated through the Publications and Data Access Policy).

Grant writing resource:

Publication sample

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