
Showing 1 to 10 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Cognitive Speed in Neurodegenerative Disease: Comparing Mean Rate and Inconsistency Within and Across the Alzheimer’s and Lewy Body Spectra in the COMPASS-ND Study
Caballero, H. S.**, McFall, G. P.*, Gee, M., MacDonald, S., Phillips, N. A.*, Fogarty, J.*, Montero-Odasso, M.*, Camicioli, R.*, & Dixon, R. A.* 2024 Journal of Alzheimer's disease
Engaging people with lived experience of dementia in research meetings and events: insights from multiple perspectives
Snowball, E., Aiken C., Norman, M., Hykaway, W., Dempster, Z., Itzhak, I.*, McLellan, E., McGilton, K.* , Bethell, J.* 2024 Frontiers in Dementia
Potentially Modifiable Dementia Risk Factors in Canada: An Analysis of Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging with a Multi-Country Comparison
Son, S.**, Speechley, M.*, Zou, G.*, Kivipelto, M., Mangialasche, F., Feldman, H.*, Chertkow, H.*, Belleville, S.*, Nygaard, H.*, Hachinski, V.*, Pieruccini-Faria, F.**, & Montero-Odasso, M.* 2024 medRxiv
Dashboards to Support Implementation of the Quebec Alzheimer Plan: Evaluation Study With Regional and Professional Considerations
Arsenault-Lapierre, G.*, Lemay-Compagnat, A., Guillette, M., Couturier, Y.*, Massamba,V., Dufour, I., Maubert, E., Fournier, C., Denis, J., Morin, C., Vedel, I.* 2024 JMIR Formative Research
Rural-Urban Differences in Healthcare Use in Persons With Dementia Between 2000 and 2019: A Quebec Population-Based Study
Arsenault-Lapierre, G.*, Godard-Sebillotte, C.*, Bui, T, Sourial, N., Rochette, L., Massamba, V., Sirois, C., Kosteniuk, J.*, Morgan D., Quesnel-Vallée, A., Vedel I.* 2024 Healthcare Policy
Amyloidogenic regions in beta-strands II and III modulate the aggregation and toxicity of SOD1 in living cells
McAlary L., Nan J.R., Shyu C., Sher M., Plotkin S.S*, & Cashman N.R* 2024 Open Biol
Perceptions and outcomes of an embedded Alzheimer Society First Link Coordinator in rural primary health care memory clinics
Morgan, D. G.*, Kosteniuk, J.*, & Bayly, M.** 2024 BMC Health Services Research
Ethical Considerations at the Intersection of Social Media and Dementia Prevention Research
Hrincu, V.**, Zaleski, G., & Robillard, J.M. 2024 The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease
Technology in Dementia Education: An Ethical Imperative in a Digitized World
Martin, S.E., Tam, M.T., & Robillard, J.M.* 2024 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Psychological Stress across the Lifespan and Cognitive Function among Older Adults: The Moderating Role of a Healthy Lifestyle
D’Amico, D.**, Amestoy, M.E., & Fiocco, A.J.* 2024 Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement
Showing 1 to 10 of 555 Publications
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