
Showing 281 to 290 of 554 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
A Canadian national survey of informal employed caregivers of older adults with and without dementia: Work and employee outcomes
Sadavoy J, Sajedinejad S, Duxbury L, Chiu M (Phase 1) 2020 International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Suicidal ideation is common in autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease at-risk persons
Ng KP, Richard-Devantoy S, Bertrand JA, Jiang L, Pascoal TA*, Mathotaarachchi S*, Therriault J*, Yatawara C, Kandiah N, Greenwood CMT, Rosa-Neto P**, Gauthier S** 2019 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
A systematic review of intervention approaches for driving cessation in older adults.
Rapoport MJ, Cameron DH, Sanford S, Naglie G, on behalf of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging Driving and Dementia Team International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
A quasi-experimental study of the effectiveness of the Reitman Centre CARERS group intervention on family caregivers of persons with dementia
Sadavoy J, Sajedinejad S, Chiu M. (Phase 1) 2021 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Suicidal ideation is common in autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease at-risk persons
Ng KP, Richard-Devantoy S, Bertrand JA, Jiang L, Pascoal TA, Mathotaarachchi S, Therriault J, Yatawara C, Kandiah N, Greenwood CMT, Rosa-Neto P*, Gauthier S* 2020 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Staff perceptions of the consequences of COVID‐19 on quality of dementia care for residents in Ontario long‐term care homes
Kirkham J.*, Shorey C.L., Iaboni A.*, Quirt H., Grigorovich A., Astell A.*, Lin E., Maxwell C.J.* 2022 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Sex-specific neuropsychological correlates of apathy and depression across neurodegenerative disorders
Kapustin, D., Tumati, S.**, Wong, M., Herrmann, N.*, Dixon, R.A.*, Seitz, D.*, Rapoport, M.J.*, & Lanctôt, K.L.* 2024 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Sex differences in the management of persons with dementia following a subnational primary care policy intervention
Sourial N, Arseneault-Lapierre G, Margo-Dermer E, Henein M, Vedel I* 2020 International Journal for Equity in Health
Vasoprotective Functions of High-Density Lipoproteins Relevant to Alzheimer’s Disease Are Partially Conserved in Apolipoprotein B-Depleted Plasma. "Button, EB.*, Gilmour, M., Cheema, HK., Martin, EM., Agbay, A., Robert, J.*, Wellington, CL**. " 2019 Int J Mol Sci.
Left atrial microvascular endothelial dysfunction, myocardial inflammation and fibrosis after selective insular cortex ischemic stroke. Balint, B., Jaremek, V., Thorburn, V., Whitehead, SN.**, Sposato, LA. 2019 Int J Cardiol
Showing 281 to 290 of 554 Publications
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