
Showing 461 to 470 of 554 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Diffusely abnormal white matter converts to T2 lesion volume in the absence of acute inflammation
Dadar M**, Mahmoud S, Narayanan S*, Collins DL*, Arnold DL, Maranzano J* 2021 bioRxiv
DARQ: Deep learning of quality control for stereotaxic registration or human brain MRI
Fonov VS, Dadar M*, PREVENT-AD Research Group, ADNI, Collins DL* 2021 BioRxiv
Cost-effective elimination of lipofuscin fluorescence from formalin-fixed brain tissue by white phosphor light emitting diode array Sun, Y., & Chakrabartty, A. 2016 Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Phase to Phase with TDP-43 Sun, Y., & Chakrabartty, A. 2017 Biochemistry
Simple Protocol for Distinguishing Drug-induced Effects on Spatial Memory Acquisition, Consolidation and Retrieval in Mice Using the Morris Water Maze
Frame AK, Lone A, Harris R., Cumming RC* 2019 Bio-protocol
Behavioural inflexibility in a comorbid rat model of striatal ischemic injury and mutant hAPP overexpression Levit, A., Regis, A. M., Garabon, J. R., Oh, S. H., Desai, S. J., Rajakumar, N., Hachinski, V., Agca, Y., Agca, C., Whitehead, S. N., & Allman, B. L. 2017 Behavioural Brain Research
Evaluation tools of assistive technologies: a scoping review
Tao G, Charm G, Kabacinska K, Miller WC, Robillard JM* 2019 Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Nutrition risk and cognitive performance in community-living older adults without cognitive impairment: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Trinca, V., Anderson, N. D.*, Fiocco, A. J.*, Ferland, G.*, Laurin, D.*, & Keller, H. H.* 2023 Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme
Intraindividual Variability Measured with Dispersion Across Diagnostic Groups in a Memory Clinic Sample
Grewal K**, O’Connell ME*, Kirk A*, MacDonald SWS, Morgan D*. 2021 Applied Neuropsychology: Adult
Base rates of low neuropsychological test scores in older adults with subjective cognitive impairment: Findings from a tertiary memory clinic
Grewal, K. S.**, Gowda-Sookochoff, R.**, Kirk, A.*, Morgan, D. G.*, & O'Connell, M. E.* 2023 Applied Neuropsychology: Adult
Showing 461 to 470 of 554 Publications
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