
Showing 471 to 480 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Associations between circulating cardiovascular disease risk factors and cognitive performance in cognitively healthy older adults from the NuAge study
Koblinsky, N. D., Carmichael, P. H., Belleville, S.*, Fiocco, A. J.*, Gaudreau, P., Greenwood, C. E., Kergoat, M. J.*, Morais, J. A.*, Presse, N.*, Laurin, D.*, & Ferland, G.* 2023 Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Association study of DNAJC13, UCHL1, HTRA2, GIGYF2, and EIF4G1 with Parkinson’s disease
Saini P, Rudakou U, Yu E, Ruskey JA, Asayesh F, Laurent SB, Spiegelman D, Fahn S, Waters C, Monchi O, Dauvilliers Y, Dupré N, Greenbaum L, Hassin-Baer S, Espay Aj, Rouleau GA*, Alcalay RN, Fon EA*, Postuma R*, Gan-Or Z* 2020 Neurobiology of Aging
Association of sex differences in dementia risk factors with sex differences in memory decline in three population-based cohorts spanning 20-76 years
Anstey KJ, Peters R, Mortby ME, Kiely KM, Eramudugolla R, Cherbuin N, Huque H, Dixon RA* 2021 Scientific Reports
Association of dual-task gait with incident dementia in mild cognitive impairment: Results from the Gait and Brain Study Montero-Odasso, M. M., Sarquis-Adamson, Y., Speechley, M., Borrie, M. J., Hachinski, V. C., Wells, J., Riccio, P. M., Schapira, M., Sejdic, E., Camicioli, R., Bartha, R., McIlroy, W. E., & Muir-Hunter, S. 2017 JAMA Neurology
Association of Dual-Task Gait With Incident Dementia in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Manuel M. Montero-Odasso, Yanina Sarquis-Adamson, Mark Speechley, Michael J. Borrie, Vladimir C. Hachinski, Jennie Wells, Patricia M. Riccio, Marcelo Schapira, Ervin Sejdic, Richard M. Camicioli, Robert Bartha, William E. McIlroy, Susan Muir-Hunter JAMA Neurology
Association of Apolipoprotein E ε4 With Medial Temporal Tau Independent of Amyloid-β
Therriault J, Benedet AL, Pascoal TA, Mathotaarachchi S, Chamoun M, Savard M, Thomas E, Kang MS, Lussier F, Tissot C, Parsons M, Qureshi MNI, Vitali P, Massarweh G, Soucy JP, Rej S, Saha-Chaudhuri P, Gauthier S*, Rosa-Neto P* 2019 JAMA Neurology
Association of Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic Risk Loci with Cognitive Performance and Decline: A Systematic Review. "Andrews, SJ.*, McFall, GP.**, Booth, A., Dixon, RA.**, Anstey, KJ. " 2019 J Alzheimers Dis
Association between sensory loss and social outcomes: A preliminary report
Parfyonov M, Mick P*, Pichora-Fuller K*, Wittich W* 2016 Canadian Acoustics
Association between regional tau pathology and neuropsychiatric symptoms in aging and dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease
Tissot C, Therriault J, Pascoal TA, Chamoun M, Lussier FZ, Savard M, Mathotaarachchi SS, Benedet AL, Thomas EM, Parsons M, Nasreddine Z, Rosa-Neto P*, Gauthier S* 2021 Alzheimer’s Dementia
Assessing cognitive functioning in ALS: A focus on frontal lobe processes Gillingham, S. M., Yunusova, Y., Ganda, A., Rogaeva, E., Black, S. E., Stuss, D. T., & Zinman, L. 2017 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration
Showing 471 to 480 of 555 Publications
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