
Showing 531 to 540 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
A Rationally Designed Humanized Antibody Selective for Amyloid Beta Oligomers in Alzheimer’s Disease. Gibbs, E., Silverman, JM.**, Zhao, B., Peng, X., Wang, J., Wellington, CL.**, Mackenzie, IR.**, Plotkin, SS.**, Kaplan, JM., Cashman, NR**. 2019 Scientific reports.
A rational structured epitope defines a distinct subclass of toxic amyloid-beta oligomers Silverman, J.M., Gibbs, E., Peng, X., Martens, K.M., Balducci, C., Wang, J., Yousefi, M., Cowan, C.M., Lamour, G., Louadi, S., Ban, Y., Robert, J., Stukas, S., Forloni, G., Hsiung, G.R., Plotkin, S.S., Wellington, C.L., & Cashman, N.R. 2018 ACS Chemical Neuroscience
A quasi-experimental study of the effectiveness of the Reitman Centre CARERS group intervention on family caregivers of persons with dementia
Sadavoy J, Sajedinejad S, Chiu M. (Phase 1) 2021 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
A quadratic function of activation in individuals at risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Corriveau-Lecavalier N, Duchesne S*, Gauthier S*, Hudon C8, Kergoat MJ*, Mellah S, Belleville S* for the Consortium for the Early Identification of Alzheimer's Disease-Quebec (CIMA-Q) 2021 Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring
A portrait of obstructive sleep apnea risk factors in 27,210 middle-aged and older adults in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Thompson, C., Legault, J.**, Moullec, G., Baltzan, M.*, Cross, N., Dang-Vu, T. T.*, Martineau-Dussault, M. È., Hanly, P.*, Ayas, N.*, Lorrain, D.*, Einstein, G.*, Carrier, J.*, & Gosselin, N.* 2022 Scientific Reports
A physiological characterization of the Cafeteria diet model of metabolic syndrome in the rat Gomez-Smith, M., Karthikeyan, S., Jeffers, M. S., Janik, R., Thomason, L. A., Stefanovic, B., & Corbett, D. 2016 Physiology & Behavior
A Newly Identified Impairment in Both Vision and Hearing Increases the Risk of Deterioration in Both Communication and Cognitive Performance
Guthrie, D. M.*, Williams, N., Campos, J.*, Mick, P.*, Orange, J. B.*, Pichora-Fuller, M. K.*, Savundranayagam, M. Y.*, Wittich, W.*, & Phillips, N. A.* 2022 Canadian Journal on Aging
A new role for matrix metalloproteinase-3 in the NGF metabolic pathway: Proteolysis of mature NGF and sex-specific differences in the continuum of Alzheimer’s pathology
Pentz R, Iulita MF, Mikutra-Cencora M, Ducatenzeiler A, Benett DA, Cuello AC* 2020 Neurobiology of Disease
A new care model reduces polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications in long-term care
Tsinado Garland C, Guénette L, Kroger E*, Carmichael PH, Rouleau R, Sirois C* 2021 Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
A Neuroethics Backbone for the Evolving Canadian Brain Research Strategy. "Illes, J.**, Weiss, S., Bains, J., Chandler, J.A.**, Conrod, P., De Koninck, Y., Fellows, L.K., Groetzinger, D., Racine, E.**, Robillard, J.M.**, Sokolowski, M.B. " 2019 Neuron
Showing 531 to 540 of 555 Publications
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