
Showing 551 to 555 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Analysis of C9orf72 in patients with frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis from Argentina
Itzcovich, T., Xi, Z., Martinetto, H., Chrem-Mendez, P., Russo, M. J., de Ambrosi, B., Uchitel, O. D., Nogues, M., Silva, E., Rojas, G., Bagnatti, P., Amengual, A., Campos, J., Rogaeva, E., St George-Hyslop, P., Allegri, R., Sevlever, G., & Surace, E. I. 2016 Neurobiology of Aging
Ethical Considerations for the Use of Next-Generation Alzheimer Drugs in Symptomatic and At-Risk Patients
Gauthier, S., Rosa-Neto, P., & Kass, J. S. 2016 Continuum (Minneapolis, Minn.)
Aerobic Glycolysis in the Frontal Cortex Correlates with Memory Performance in Wild-Type Mice But Not the APP/PS1 Mouse Model of Cerebral Amyloidosis
Harris, R. A., Tindale, L., Lone, A., Singh, O., Macauley, S. L., Stanley, M., Holtzman, D. M., Bartha, R., & Cumming, R. 2016 Journal of Neuroscience
Combination Therapy of Anti-Tau and Anti-Amyloid Drugs for Disease Modification in Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease: Socio-Economic Considerations Modeled on Treatments for Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Breast Cancer
Tomaszewski, S., Gauthier, S., Wimo, A., & Rosa-Neto, P. 2016 The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease
Determining composition of micron-scale protein deposits in neurodegenerative disease by spatially targeted optical microproteomics
Hadley, K. C., Rakhit, R., Guo, H., Sun, Y., Jonkman, J. E., McLaurin, J., Hazrati, L. N., Emili, A., & Chakrabartty, A. 2015 E-Life
Showing 551 to 555 of 555 Publications
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