
Showing 61 to 70 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
White matter hyperintensity distribution differences in aging and neurodegenerative disease cohorts
Dadar, M.*, Mahmoud, S., Zhernovaia, M., Camicioli, R.*, Maranzano, J.*, Duchesne, S.*, & CCNA Group* 2022 NeuroImage: Clinical
Dementia-related continuing education for rural interprofessional primary health care in Saskatchewan, Canada: perceptions and needs of webinar participants
Kosteniuk J.*, Morgan D*., O’Connell M.E.*, Seitz D.*, Elliot V., Bayly M.**, Cameron C., Froehlich Chow A.* 2022 Primary Health Care Research & Development
A stakeholder engagement strategy for an ongoing research program in rural dementia care: Stakeholder and researcher perspectives
Morgan D.*, Kosteniuk J.*, O’Connell M.E.*, Stewart N.J, Kirk A., Cammer A., Dal Bello-Haas V., Minish D.P, Elliot V., Bayly M.**, Froehlich Chow A.* 2022 PLoS ONE
Bridging Integrator 1 (BIN1, rs6733839) and Sex Are Moderators of Vascular Health Predictions of Memory Aging Trajectories
Heal, M.**, McFall, G. P.*, Vergote, D., Jhamandas, J. H.*, Westaway, D.*, & Dixon, R. A.* 2022 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Engagement of people with lived experience of dementia advisory group and cross-cutting program: reflections on the first year
Snowball, E., Fernandez Loughlin, R., Eagleson, H., Barnett, K. M., McLellan, E., O'Connor, D., Kelly, C., Thelker, C., McGilton, K. S.*, & Bethell, J.* 2022 Research Involvement and Engagement
Data-Driven Analyses of Longitudinal Hippocampal Imaging Trajectories: Discrimination and Biomarker Prediction of Change Classes
Drouin S.M.**, McFall G.P.*, Potvin O., Bellec P*., Masellis M.*, Duchesne S.*, Dixon R.A.* 2022 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
CVLT-II short form forced choice recognition in a clinical dementia sample: Cautions for performance validity assessment
Grewal K.S.**, Trites M., Kirk A.*, MacDonald S.W.S., Morgan D.*, Gowda-Sookochoff R., O'Connell M.E.* 2022 Applied Neuropsychology: Adult
Factors influencing sustainability and scale-up of rural primary healthcare memory clinics: perspectives of clinic team members
Morgan, D.*, Kosteniuk, J.*, O’Connell, M.E.*, Seitz, D., Elliot, V., Bayly, M.**, Froehlich Chow, A.*, & Cameron, C. 2022 BMC Health Services Research
Ageism and COVID-19: what does our society’s response say about us?
Fraser, S.*, Lagacé, M*, Bongué, B., Ndeye, N., Guyot, J., Bechard, L.**, Garcia, L., Taler, V.*, Members of the CCNA Social Inclusion and Stigma Working Group*, Adam, S., Beaulieu, M., Bergeron, C.D., Boudjemadi, V., Desmette, D., Donizzetti, A. R., Éthier, S., Garon, S., Gillis, M., Levasseur, M., Lortie-Lussier, M., Marier, P., Robitaille, A., Sawchuk, K., Lafontaine, C., & Tougas, F. 2020 Age and Ageing
Associations of Multidomain Interventions With Improvements in Cognition in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Salzman, T., Sarquis-Adamson, Y., Son, S., Montero-Odasso, M.*, & Fraser, S.*  2022 JAMA Network Open
Showing 61 to 70 of 555 Publications
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