
Showing 151 to 160 of 555 Publications
Title Authors
CCNA Researchers* / CCNA Trainees**
Year Journal
Social connection is essential in long-term care homes: considerations during COVID-19 and beyond
Bethell J*, O'Rourke HM*, Eagleson H, Gaetano D, Hykaway W, McAiney C* 2021 Canadian Geriatrics Journal
Effect of Sex, Age and Genetic Polymorphisms of CYP Enzymes on the Pharmacokinetics of Anticholinergic Drugs
Trenaman SC*, Bowles SK, Andrews MK*, Goralski K 2021 Pharmacology Research and Perspectives
Evolution of neuroinflammation across the lifespan of individuals with Down syndrome
Flores-Aguilar L**, Iulita MF, Kovecses O, Torres MD, Levi SM, Zhang Y, Askenazi M, Wisniewski T, Busciglio J, Cuello AC* 2020 Brain
Developing the Driving Cessation in Dementia Toolkit (DCDT): A Knowledge-to-Action Process
Naglie G*, Stasiulis E, Sanfors S, Bédard M*, Belchior P*, Byzewski A*, Crizzle A*, Gélinas I*, Marshall S*, Mazer B*, Molnar F*, Moorhouse P*, Myers A, Polgar J, Porter M*, Tuokko H, Vrkljan B*, Yamin S*, Rappoport M* on behalt of the CCNA Driving Cessation Team 2020 CGS Book of Abstracts
Facilitating recruitement for dementia research: Insights from an internation panel
Tam MT, Gauthier S*, Ng KP, Everett F, Robillard JM* 2021 Innovative Practice
CCCDTD5: Clinical role of neuroimaging and liquid biomarkers in patients with cognitive impairment
Brisson M, Brodeur C, Létourneau-Guillon L, Masellis M*, Stoessl J*, Tamm A, Zukotynski K, Ismail Z*, Gauthier S*, Rosa-Neto P*, Soucy JP* 2021 Alzheimer's & Dementia
Astrocyte Biomarkers in Alzheimer Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Bellaver B, Ferrari-Souza JP, Uglione da Ros L, Carter SF, Rodriguez-Vieitez E, Nordberg A, Pellerin L, Rosa-Neto P*, Leffa T, Zimmer ER 2021 Neurology
Remote ischemic conditioning and stroke recovery
McDonald MW**, Dykes A, Jeffers MS, Carter A, Nevins R, Ripley A, Silasi G, Corbett D* 2021 Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair
Faster Cortical Thinning and Surface Area Loss in Presymptomatic and Symptomatic C9orf72 Repeat Expansion Adult Carriers
Le Blanc G, Jetté Pomerleau V, McCarthy J, Borroni B, van Swieten J, Galimberti D, Sanchez-Valle R, LaForce R Jr*, Moreno F, Synofzik M, Graff C, Masellis M*, Tartaglia MC*, Rowe JB, Vandenberghe R, Finger E*, Tagliavini F, de Mendonça A, Santana I, Butler C, Gerhard A, Danek A, Levin J, Otto M, Frisoni G, Sorbi S, Rohrer JD, Ducharme S*; Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI). 2020 Annals of Neurology
Infiltrating Hematogenous Macrophages Aggregate Around β-Amyloid Plaques in an Age- and Sex-Dependent Manner in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer Disease
Kozyrev N, Albers S, Yang J, Prado VF*, Prado MAM*, Fonseca GJ, Rylett RJ, Debakan GA* 2020 Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology
Showing 151 to 160 of 555 Publications
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